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ICE at Georgia Tech Robots and Artificial Life Forms An NXT Zoo! Mr. Michaud

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Presentation on theme: "ICE at Georgia Tech Robots and Artificial Life Forms An NXT Zoo! Mr. Michaud"— Presentation transcript:

1 ICE at Georgia Tech Robots and Artificial Life Forms An NXT Zoo! Mr. Michaud

2 How do living things move? Walking Running Galloping Creeping Swimming Flying

3 Walking: Use those legs! Advantages of Legs:

4 Creeping: Use the whole body Creeping Animals

5 Select a Robot Model

6 Motor Block Basics Which Way: Forward Backward How Fast? How Far?

7 Basic NXT-G Programming Movement/Motor Blocks (Output) Direction Speed Duration

8 Challenge: Make your animal go forward and backward

9 NXT-G Programming Sensors (Input) Touch Light Ultrasonic

10 NXT-G Programming 3 Types of Conditionals (Logic) Wait Block

11 Challenge: Make your animal react with a sensor Examples: Move forward until it hears a sound, then run away. (fear) Move until reaching the wall, then turn and move again. (Explore the room)

12 Sample Program: Run Away!

13 Sample Program: Explore the Room

14 Robotic Animal Samples: MIT Robotic Fish Detect Polution Search and Rescue Robot

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