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Lecture 23: Future of IT Intro to IT COSC1078 Introduction to Information Technology Lecture 23 Future of IT James Harland

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 23: Future of IT Intro to IT COSC1078 Introduction to Information Technology Lecture 23 Future of IT James Harland"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 23: Future of IT Intro to IT COSC1078 Introduction to Information Technology Lecture 23 Future of IT James Harland

2 Lecture 8: VideoIntro to IT Introduction to IT 1 Introduction 2 Images 3 Audio 4 Video 5 Binary Representation WebTest 1, Assignment 1 6 Data Storage 7 Review/Machine Processing 8 Operating Systems WebLearn Test 1 9 Processes Assignment 2 10 Internet & Survey 11 Internet Security WebLearn Test 3 12 Future of ITAssignment 3, Peer and Self Assessment

3 Lecture 23: Future of ITIntro to IT Overview  Questions?  Assignment 3  Mock Exam  Future of IT  Questions?

4 Lecture 23: Future of ITIntro to IT Intro to IT Schedule WeekLecture 1Lecture 2 12Future of IT Review by request?? Network layers Encryption Internet architecture Machine cycle 13Mock Exam Tuesday 31 st May

5 Lecture 23: Future of ITIntro to IT Catch up Lecture Requests  Logic gates ??  Hexadecimal to/from binary conversions ??  Process vs. program ??  Floating point ??  Network layers ??  Encryption ??  Internet architecture ??  Machine cycle ??

6 Lecture 23: Future of ITIntro to IT Mock Exam  2.00-4.30 on Tuesday 31 st May in 10.4.27 (Casey Plaza)  Bring your own paper, pens, etc.  Calculators allowed  Answers will be available from me when you leave Schedule:  2.00 Access to room  2.15 Reading time commences  2.30 Writing time commences  4.30 Exam concludes

7 Lecture 23: Future of ITIntro to IT What is IT?

8 Lecture 23: Future of ITIntro to IT Future of IT RMIT School of CS & IT Four main research areas  Distributed Systems and Networking  Software Engineering  Information Storage, Analysis and Retrieval  Intelligent Systems

9 Lecture 23: Future of ITIntro to IT Software Engineering  Building and verifying component-based systems  Human Informatics Modelling  Educational Technologies  ENID: Electronic Health System  Grid and cloud architecture and platforms

10 Lecture 23: Future of ITIntro to IT Software Engineering  Architecture-based processes, methods and tools  Improving quality, trustworthiness productivity and industrial practice  Leveraging mathematical methods and foundations  Concurrent or parallel systems, or systems involving massive data

11 Lecture 23: Future of ITIntro to IT Software Engineering

12 Summer Projects The Sensor and Actuator Hub (with Flora Salim, SIAL) - for e.g. bioclimatic skin (airflow/shading) / responsive media facade - web services interface aggregating sensor data - evaluate Arduino vs MICA platforms and tools Distributed robotic sorting (Ian Peake) - Lego Mindstorm + Lejos NXJ (Embedded JVM) Service Composition Architecture (Nick May) - behaviour model editing in Eclipse (SCA tools project extension) Enhanced spring graph layout (Amir Aryani) - extend MS nodeXL - applications e.g. in software maintenance

13 Lecture 23: Future of ITIntro to IT Distributed Systems and Networking  Supply chains, middleware, web servers, load balancing  Service-oriented architectures, web services  SCADA systems (infrastructure)  Security protocols, fingerprint identification  Mobile computing, especially mobile phones

14 Lecture 23: Future of ITIntro to IT Distributed Systems and Networking

15 Lecture 23: Future of ITIntro to IT Distributed Systems and Networking

16 Lecture 23: Future of ITIntro to IT Information Storage, Analysis and Retrieval  Search engines (zettair – google it! )  Genomic databases  Compression  Image retrieval  Music retrieval  Pattern matching  Document management

17 Lecture 23: Future of ITIntro to IT Information Storage, Analysis and Retrieval

18 Lecture 23: Future of ITIntro to IT Intelligent Systems  Agent-oriented programming and design  Agent reasoning  Modelling complex systems (climate change)  Reasoning and logics  Evolutionary computation  Machine learning  Data mining  Evolutionary Art

19 Lecture 23: Future of ITIntro to IT

20 Lecture 23: Future of ITIntro to IT Robot Mine Clearance in Vietnam  UNICEF: up to 70 million unexploded land mines in the world  42,000 Vietnamese killed in past 35 years  One district: 300 children killed, 58 lost limbs or blinded  RMIT has two campuses in Vietnam (Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City)  What can robots do to help?

21 Lecture 23: Future of ITIntro to IT Robot Mine Clearance in Vietnam iRobot  US-based company  Make robot vacuum cleaners  Extensive experience with US military robots  1 Australian employee (based in Sydney)  Reviewing proposal about Vietnam mines

22 Lecture 23: Future of ITIntro to IT Conclusion  Work on Assignment 3  Check out what is out there …

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