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EVIDENCES FOR BELIEVING THE BIBLE IS GOD’S WORD The Bible makes some amazing claims about itself: These are the words and thoughts of God! They are consequential!

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3 The Bible makes some amazing claims about itself: These are the words and thoughts of God! They are consequential! They have come one time for all time! But how can we know whether or not to believe these claims? How can we be sure? How can we be certain?

4 God knows how to confirm that something belongs to Him Exodus 4:1-5 John 3:1-2 Hebrews 2:1-4 The evidence rises to the level of something that could only come from God!

5 “Evidence” and “Proof” “Evidence” “Evidence” – information that compels the mind to accept something as true “Proof” “Proof” – a conclusion that is so clear, powerful and overwhelming as to be inescapable Proof comes from Evidence!

6 How is “authorship” determined? The Gospel of Mark The Book of Hebrews Inquiries about “authorship” are not uncommon “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.”

7 What evidence would we expect if the author of the Bible is God? No contradictions No contradictions No mistakes No mistakes Future events described with 100% accuracy Future events described with 100% accuracy “One Book”: unified theme and objective “One Book”: unified theme and objective Indestructible Indestructible We would expect evidence that rises above what men can do and rises to the level of something that only God can do

8 The bar is set high! Let the evidence speak! What will you do with the truth you know?

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