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Chapter 4: Are you Listening?

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4: Are you Listening?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4: Are you Listening?

2 What is listening?

3 Hearing vs Listening  Hearing –  Process in which sound waves strike the eardrum and cause vibrations that are then transmitted to the brain  Listening-  Process which occurs when the brain reconstructs these impulses and gives them meaning

4 What do we need to know about listening?

5 Listening is an Active Process  Listening occupies more of our communication time than speaking, writing, or reading  not a natural process  Is a learned skill  Requires effort

6  Four Parts of the Listening Process  Attending  Understanding  Responding = verbally or nonverbally  Remembering  Serial Communication

7  We only remember 50% of the information we listen to immediately after we hear it.  We only remember 35% after 8 hours.  We only remember 25% of this information after 2 ½ months. Residual Messages

8 What causes poor listening?

9 General Listening Errors  Hearing Problem  Lack of effort  Message overload  Rapid Thought – mental spare time  Noise (physical, psychological, physiological)  Cultural Influences –  Things such as media have programmed us to listen in brief soundbites

10 Faulty Listening Behaviors  Pseudolisteners-  Make appropriate gestures but not really listening  Selective listeners  Only hear what they are interested in  Defensive listeners  Take innocent comments as personal attacks

11 Faulty Listening Behaviors  Insensitive listeners  Don’t look beyond the words  Stage Hogs  Turn the conversation back to themselves

12 How can we listen more effectively? Listen mentally Listen physically Know your goal

13 Listen Mentally  Concentrate on the meaning of what is being said rather than the precise words or mechanics (accent, grammar, etc.)  Work with the speech-thought differential  120-150 wpm is the average speech rate  500-600 wpm is the average thinking rate  Use the time to summarize and paraphrase

14 Listen Physically  Face the person  Adopt an open posture  Maintain comfortable eye contact  Lean slightly towards person  Listen to only one person at a time

15 Know Your Goal  Informational  Understanding and retaining information  Critical  Analyzing and evaluating content  Supportive  Helping others

16 Informational Listening  Paraphrase-  Put ideas in your own words  Look for key ideas  Take notes  Be opportunistic  FIND SOMETHING to learn

17 Critical Listening  Listen BEFORE evaluating  Evaluate the speaker’s  Credibility (Ethos)  Evidence and Reasoning (logos)  Emotional Appeals (pathos)

18 Supportive Listening  Also known as Active Listening  Feedback is the most important aspect.

19 Types of Feedback  Non-evaluative  Questioning/ probing (ask for more questions)  Supporting = show the person you care  Prompting = use silence or brief statements to draw the person out  Paraphrasing  Put message into your own words  Repeat the message making statement more general of specific

20  Evaluative – advising/judging  Positive = Is it accurate and appropriate?  Negative= Is it constructive, wanted? What are your motives?  Formative = Is it the best time to give negative feedback?

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