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Unit 2 Whatever Happened to Manners?. 1. Warming up The following questions are to be answered: 1) When do you think a “thank you” is necessary? 2) What.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2 Whatever Happened to Manners?. 1. Warming up The following questions are to be answered: 1) When do you think a “thank you” is necessary? 2) What."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2 Whatever Happened to Manners?

2 1. Warming up The following questions are to be answered: 1) When do you think a “thank you” is necessary? 2) What do you think a good manner really is? 3) In many people’s opinions, good manners are fundamental to good social relations. Do you think it is always so? Please give some examples to support your viewpoints. 4) Do you think people in China and People in western counties have the same opinion about good manners?

3 2. Reading 1) Read the text, and answer the following questions: (1) What impolite examples does the writer give to show that many people in New York not friendly or polite with one another? (2) According to the author, how do good manners build up your image? (3) What good manners does the writer suggest that we should display? (4) Is it possible for anyone and everyone to show good manners?

4 2) The structure of the text Part Ⅰ (Para. 1) the viewpoint the writer puts forward Part Ⅱ (Para. 2-4) raising and proving of the writer’s opinion Part Ⅲ (Para. 5-10) illustration of the favorable influence of some specific good manners on the receivers Part IV (Para.10) a conclusion that good manners are infectious

5 2. Language points and difficult sentences Para. 1 1) Language points (1) manner: it is usually in the plural when it is used to refer to the meaning of “social behavior” or “polite or well-bred behavior.” However, when it is used in the meaning of “a person’s outward bearing, way of speaking, etc.” the word “manner” is more often than not in the singular. e.g.: People who have good manners are polite to others. She was unusually soft and gentle in her manner when talking to him.

6 2) Difficult sentences I feel that much of the world has somehow gotten away from that. (Para.1, Lines 2-3) Q: What does “get away from that” mean in the context? [Paraphrase]: I feel that many people in the contemporary world are, for some reason or other, not as nice, not as friendly, or not as polite with one another as people in the past.

7 [Notes]: get away (Give some examples and ask the Ss to guess the meanings of “get away” in different contexts) a) succeed in leaving e.g.: When I asked him if he would like to see a film, he said he was so busy doing a project that he couldn’t get away. b) escape, esp. from a scene of a crime e.g.: A thief broke into my flat and got away with my money kept in a drawer of my desk before I returned home yesterday. c) have to admit the truth of something., esp. sth. unpleasant e.g.: You cannot get away from the unpleasant fact.

8 Para. 2-4 Q: What does “we can’t be truly stylish without good manners” mean? Difficult sentences (1) But it can matter very much. (Para. 2, Line 2) [Paraphrase]: But something like a simple “thank you” can count a great deal. (2) I think of good manners as a sort of hidden beauty secret. (Para. 3, Line 1) [Paraphrase]: I regard good manners as a kind of concealed magic method or formula which makes you beautiful.

9 (3) …but it adds priceless panache to your image. (Para. 4, Lines 4-5) [Paraphrase]: but a kind, gracious manner makes you look much more stylish and admirable, contributing pricelessly to your image. [Notes]: panache: A stylish manner of doing things that causes admiration and seems to be without any difficulty. e.g.: With great panache he pulled the tablecloth off the table without disturbing any of the plates and glasses

10 Para. 5-10 1) Language points (1) compliment: express praise or admiration of somebody compliment sb. on sth. (2) I bet: a slang expression meaning I am sure: I am certain; surely; certainly (3) bother: disturb or anger; give trouble to (4) melt away: cause sth. to disappear by melting or dissolving

11 2) Difficult sentences (1) It was a sweet gesture that made me feel terrific and put me in a great mood. (Para. 6, Lines 5-6) [Paraphrase]: It was a delightful or pleasant gesture that made me feel very good. (2) …you don’t take the other person for granted. (Para. 10, Line 7) [Paraphrase]: … you don’t treat the other person with little attention or concern.

12 Para. 11 Q: In what way is it true that good manners are infectious according to the author? What does the author want to convey by saying “if we could just get everyone to catch them”? Difficult sentences (1) Good manners are infectious. (Para.11) [Paraphrase]: Good manners are easy to catch. / Good manners can easily be passed from one person to another. (2) Now, if we could just get everyone to catch them! (Para. 11) [Paraphrase]: Now, how wonderful it would be if we were able to have everyone behave politely towards one another!

13 2.3 Highlights of the text The essay is a well organized piece of argumentation on the necessity and significance of good manners. The author holds that, nowadays many people show a lack of good manners, i.e. they are less friendly and less polite than people in the past. Then he argues that good manners help you build up your own image and work wonders for the person on the receiving end. The essay is organized chiefly by means of the following methods: 1) the main idea is used as the main framework of the text; 2) the deductive method is employed in most of the paragraphs; 3) the writers personal experiences and some typical examples are made good use of as convincing evidence; 4) some key phrases, each of which stands in a single line, are used as subtitles; 5) the writer’s own viewpoints are well presented

14  3. Discussion Discuss some of the author’s statements. 1) I think of good manners as a sort of hidden beauty secret. 2) A gracious manner not only sets an excellent example for you and but it adds priceless panache to your image.

15 4. Reflection Questions and Assignment 1. Make a summary of the text within 150 words. 2. Have a discussion of the following topic in groups. What are the criteria of judging a good teacher in Chinese traditional culture? Compare them with those talked about in this passage, and try to find out something universal.

16 Thanks for Attention!

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