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Fantastic Responses to the Open Ended Question! Everything you ever wanted to know… How exciting is this?

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Presentation on theme: "Fantastic Responses to the Open Ended Question! Everything you ever wanted to know… How exciting is this?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fantastic Responses to the Open Ended Question! Everything you ever wanted to know… How exciting is this?

2 Oh no! What do I do? Stay cal Stay calm and remember the basics. 1.Read the question very carefully. Underline key words or phrases. Ask yourself, “What is this question asking me to do?” 2.Think! I’m not kidding. Think before you write. What is it you want to say? 3. Remember that each bullet in the question should be answered using a separate paragraph.

3 It all begins with a STEP TAKE A STEP TOWARDS GREAT WRITING! S s tate the question, problem, or issue with your T T hesis or T opic sentence E E vidence P P owerfully P araphrase in your conclusion and try to bring it to a higher level Don’t worry. I will break these steps down for you in the next slides!

4 S State the question, problem, or issue with your T Thesis or Topic sentence This just means you need to make sure you are answering the question. Flipping the question into a statement is the easiest way to do this. Sure you can have a more advanced thesis or topic sentence, but always make sure you are answering the question.

5 E E vidence This is the meat of your response. You want solid evidence. When it’s appropriate, use textual support or textual evidence. We’ve discussed this. Underline only the portion of the text you are going to use. Use a signal phrase like: “According to the text…” Follow up with a sentence like: "This means that...." You need to explain what the quote means and/or why it is important using your own words.

6 P P owerfully P araphrase in your conclusion and try to bring it to a higher level What does that mean? Powerfully means strong. Paraphrase means restate your thesis, but use different words and try to bring your writing to a higher level.


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