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Oncology The Study of Tumours. What is a tumour Is an abnormal swelling where cells are dividing & appear out of control Either benign or malignant Tumour.

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Presentation on theme: "Oncology The Study of Tumours. What is a tumour Is an abnormal swelling where cells are dividing & appear out of control Either benign or malignant Tumour."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oncology The Study of Tumours

2 What is a tumour Is an abnormal swelling where cells are dividing & appear out of control Either benign or malignant Tumour formation is also known as neoplasia

3 Benign Tumours Do not invade surrounding tissue or organs i.e do not metastasise to other parts of the body Do not threaten life Are surrounded by a capsule i.e. they are encapsulated

4 Malignant Tumours are invasive & destroy the tissue they invade Can spread to neighbouring tissues Can spread to distant sites via blood and lymph Metastasis refers to spread of tumour cells to another body part & also known as a secondary tumour Primary tumour is the original tumour site

5 Word Parts Term / word part Combining form Meaning Carcincarcin/oMalignant tumour/ cancer Histhist/oTissue Onconc/oTumour/mass Papillpapill/oNipple- like / opti disc Sarcsarc/oFleshy growth / fleshy connective tissue

6 Word Parts Term / word part Combining form Meaning -celehernia / swelling / protusion -omatumour,swelling -plasiacondition of growth / formation (increase in number of cells) epithelial tissue outer layer of skin & lines hollow organs, except blood & lymph vessels

7 Treatment Surgery – tumour & surrounding tissue removed Chemotherapy – use of drugs (chemicals) to shrink the tumour Radiotherapy – use of ionising radiation to destroy tumour cells ACT 1

8 Abbeviations BCCBasal cell carcinoma Bxbiopsy Cacancer / carcinoma CIScarcinoma in situ FSfrozen section KSKaposi’s sarcoma ( found in AIDS patients) Nnodes

9 Abbeviations N1, N2, N3, N4Defines number of lymph nodes that have been invaded Mmetastases M1, M2, M3, M4indicates presence of metastases and the extent SCCsquamous cell carcinoma Ttumour T0No evidence of tumour T1, T2, T3, T4Categorises the tumour according to it’s size e.g. T2 primary tumour has spread to deeper structures

10 Neoplasms Basal Cell Carcinomaslow growing skin cancer Malignant melanomamalignant skin cancer can also form in the eye & mucous membranes Myelomamalignant disease of bone marrow Neoplasmnew / abnormal growth Papillomabenign nipple like growth of skin Poly-many, much

11 Conditions and Terms Anaplasialoss of normal cell characteristics Benign tumour Non – invasive tumour Cachexiadescribes person in late stage of chronic disease such as cancer. The patient is weak, very thin, sunken eyes, yellowish skin, state of malnutrition, emaciated carcinogensubstance that stimulates the formation of cancer carcinoma in situ carcinoma that has not spread from it’s primary site

12 Conditions and Terms Fungating tumoursfungus like growths. Occur in late stages of some malignant tumours Hodgkin’s DiseaseMalignant disease of lymphatic tissue Leukplakiawhite patches in mucous membranes that may signal malignant changes Polyptumour of the mucous membrane. are likely to become malignant if left to grow

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