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2014-2015 ANNUAL REPORT MANY CULTURES, ONE BRIGHT FUTURE! Board of County Commissioners September 15, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "2014-2015 ANNUAL REPORT MANY CULTURES, ONE BRIGHT FUTURE! Board of County Commissioners September 15, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014-2015 ANNUAL REPORT MANY CULTURES, ONE BRIGHT FUTURE! Board of County Commissioners September 15, 2015

2  General Overview  2014-15 Activities  2015-16 Work Plan  Recommendations  Requested Action Pine Hills NID

3  General Overview  2014-15 Activities  2015-16 Work Plan  Recommendations  Requested Action Pine Hills NID

4 Background and History PHNID was established in Dec. 2011 Board of Directors - B oard of County Commissioners Advisory Council Pine Hills NID

5 Advisory Council Members Tim Haberkamp – Chair Nicole Farquharson – Vice Chair Luis Cordero Nadia Khublal Augustina Peasah Florence Polynice Carolyn Wilson Pine Hills NID


7 PHNID Community Vision & Mission To bring businesses, citizens and government together to solve the challenges of our community and build a place where our citizens can once again live, work, play and learn in a safe, family-oriented, pro-business environment. Pine Hills NID

8 PHNID Goals  Organize support for the PHNID  Marketing & Economic Development  Public safety and security  Attractive and functional corridors  Effective multi-modal connectivity  Town Center Redevelopment Pine Hills NID

9  General Overview  2014-15 Activities  2015-16 Work Plan  Recommendations  Requested Action Pine Hills NID

10 PINE HILLS NID 2014-15 ACTIVITIES – ORGANIZING SUPPORT  Neighborhood Improvement Plan (NIP)  Approved by BCC May 5, 2015 Assesses existing conditions, challenges and opportunities Expresses the vision for the community Outlines goals and objectives Identifies desired investments and implementation strategies Identifies potential funding sources

11 PINE HILLS NID 2014-15 ACTIVITIES – ORGANIZING SUPPORT  “Coordination Meetings”  First meeting held July 2015  Purpose to coordinate various ongoing or planned improvements in Pine Hills  Included 19 representatives from NID, Orange County, community organizations and other agencies (Lynx, Metroplan, FDOT)

12 PINE HILLS NID 2014-15 ACTIVITIES – ORGANIZING SUPPORT  “Pine Hills Pillars” Initiative  Launched in May 2013  Includes 285 businesses and citizens  Next Pillars event: November 14 “Taste of Pine Hills”

13 PINE HILLS NID 2014-15 ACTIVITIES – MARKETING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT  Pine Hills Business Association  Established in October 2013  Bi-monthly meetings (even numbered months)  Typical attendance is 30 attendees  Connects businesses to resources, creates networking opportunities and provides a forum to discuss business issues

14 PINE HILLS NID 2014-15 ACTIVITIES – MARKETING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT  Pine Hills Business Expo  Inaugural Event held January 15, 2015  Opportunity for local businesses to learn “best practices,” access Orange County services, meet financial lenders and receive counseling  Attracted 40 exhibitors and 50 entrepreneurs

15 PINE HILLS NID 2014-15 ACTIVITIES – MARKETING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT  Pine Hills Business Directory  The NID printed and began distributing 2500 copies  Directory contains contact information for more than 425 businesses and government offices serving Pine Hills

16 PINE HILLS NID 2014-15 ACTIVITIES – MARKETING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT  “Shop Pine Hills” Initiative  Partnered with Pine Hills Community Council to promote existing program  Actively encourage citizens to shop and do business with local merchants first  Working to strengthen the local economy by getting our own dollars to work at home in Pine Hills

17 PINE HILLS NID 2014-15 ACTIVITIES – SAFETY & SECURITY  Business Watch Program  Initiated Business Watch program to reduce crime, eliminate conditions that invite crime and encourage business owners to utilize security measures  Security Patrols  Secured off-duty deputies to patrol the NID corridors.  Deputies help businesses enroll in the OCSO Trespass Program

18 PINE HILLS NID 2014-15 ACTIVITIES - ATTRACTIVE CORRIDORS  Commercial Beautification Award  Launched in March 2014  Promotes development of attractive corridors  Recognizes businesses for investing their properties  Awarded bi-monthly

19 PINE HILLS NID 2014-15 ACTIVITIES – ATTRACTIVE CORRIDORS  Silver Star Road Median Improvements  Installed landscaping in FY 2014 -15  Continue to maintain landscaping seasonally or as needed Before After

20 PINE HILLS NID 2014-15 ACTIVITIES - ATTRACTIVE CORRIDORS  Utility Box Art  Partnered with OC St.Art Something Program  Curbing litter on boxes with public art  Four boxes selected for a makeover Before During After

21 PINE HILLS NID 2014-15 ACTIVITIES – ATTRACTIVE CORRIDORS  Clean Sweep Challenge  Community clean up held May 9, 2015  Included Commissioners Bryan Nelson and Victoria Siplin, PHNID and 400 community volunteers  Collected 7 tons of trash  Brought positive media attention to Pine Hills

22 PINE HILLS NID 2014-15 ACTIVITIES – ATTRACTIVE CORRIDORS  Business Exterior Improvements  Collaborated with BANC Program to help businesses in corridor improve physical appearance  To date 17 business have received BANC grants  Improvements included painting, repairs, landscaping and new signage Before After

23  General Overview  2014-15 Activities  2015-16 Work Plan  Recommendations  Requested Action Pine Hills NID

24 2015-16 Budget $157,600estimated carry forward $125,000annual allocation $282,600 Pine Hills NID

25 PINE HILLS NID 2015-16 WORK PLAN Goal # 1 – Organize Support for the NID Proposed Projects/Programs  Actively pursue state and federal funding sources  Actively engage property owners regarding tax referendum  Actively promote Pillars Initiative to businesses and citizens  Actively engage Pillars in NID programs and services  Actively engage local, state and federal officials

26 PINE HILLS NID 2015-16 WORK PLAN Goal # 2 – Marketing & Economic Development Proposed Projects/Programs  Implement the Neighborhood Improvement Plan  Implement recommended 2014 APA Marketing Strategy as approved by BOD/BCC  Partner with OC Office of Economic & Tourism Development to create and implement an economic development strategy for the greater Pine Hills community

27 PINE HILLS NID 2015-16 WORK PLAN Goal # 2 – Marketing & Economic Development Continued Proposed Projects/Programs  Distribute and update a Pine Hills Business Directory  Continue to promote “Shop Pine Hills” initiative  Develop and implement a vacant property occupancy program  Maintain an active Business Association

28 PINE HILLS NID 2015-16 WORK PLAN Goal # 3 – Public Safety & Security Proposed Projects/Programs  Develop and implement a Business Crime Prevention Grant Program for the district  Expand Business Security Patrol Program for the district  Implement “Crime Prevention through Environmental Design” Plan/Best Management Practices  Expand relationships w/Safe Neighborhood Partnership and Sheriff’s Department  Maintain an active Business Watch Program

29 PINE HILLS NID 2015-16 WORK PLAN Goal # 4 – Attractive and Functional Corridors Proposed Projects/Programs  Develop a Master Plan for Pine Hills Road  Develop & implement Urban Design Guidelines  Launch an Anti-litter campaign  Continue Silver Star Landscape Maintenance Program  Continue support of BANC Grant Program  Continue Commercial Beautification Award

30 PINE HILLS NID 2015-16 WORK PLAN Goal # 5 – Effective Multi-modal Connectivity Proposed Projects/Programs  Continue to promote construction of a pedestrian bridge near Silver Star & Pine Hills Road  Continue to promote development of the Pine Hills multi- use trail system

31 PINE HILLS NID 2015-16 WORK PLAN Goal # 6 – Town Center Redevelopment Project Proposed Projects/Programs  Implement Town Center Redevelopment Master Plan as recommended by the APA and approved by the BOD/BCC (Silver Star & Pine Hills Road Intersection)

32  General Overview  2014-15 Activities  2015-16 Work Plan  Recommendations  Requested Action Pine Hills NID

33 PINE HILLS NID ADVISORY COUNCIL RECOMMENDATIONS: Continue update of Land Development Regulations to accommodate infill redevelopment Create a marketing fund for Pine Hills Develop a comprehensive plan for transportation in Pine Hills Create a Land Acquisition Fund for Pine Hills

34  General Overview  2014-15 Activities  2015-16 Work Plan  Recommendations  Requested Action Pine Hills NID

35 Requested Actions  Accept the Pine Hills NID Annual Report Pine Hills NID

36 2014-2015 ANNUAL REPORT MANY CULTURES, ONE BRIGHT FUTURE! Board of County Commissioners September 15, 2015

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