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Maine Aeronautical Advisory Board November 8, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Maine Aeronautical Advisory Board November 8, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maine Aeronautical Advisory Board November 8, 2012

2 MaineDOT Commissioner David Bernhardt, P.E. Maine Aeronautical Advisory Board

3 Maine DOT Updates –NERASP (Documents) –Excise Tax (Document) –Cooperative Agreement for Primary Airports –LPV –Runway Safety Areas Maine Aeronautical Advisory Board

4 Maine DOT Updates –MaineDOT Strategic Plan (Documents) Maine Aeronautical Advisory Board

5 Maine DOT Updates –Priorities, Customer Service Levels (Documents) Maine Aeronautical Advisory Board

6 Corridor Priorities –Corridor Priorities - WebsiteCorridor Priorities - Website Maine Aeronautical Advisory Board




10 Priorities, service levels, capital goals and reporting. The Department of Transportation shall classify the State's public highways as Priority 1 to Priority 6 corridors using factors such as the federal functional classification system, regional economic significance, heavy haul truck use and relative regional traffic volumes. The department shall also establish customer service levels related to safety, condition and serviceability appropriate to the priority of the highway, resulting in a system that grades each highway as Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor or Unacceptable. Maine Aeronautical Advisory Board

11 By 2015, develop and implement a similar asset priority and customer service level system of measurement for all major freight and passenger transportation assets owned or supported by the department, including capital goals. Maine Aeronautical Advisory Board

12 Tasks of this Board –Review and recommend: Factors for Priorities Customer Service Levels Maine Aeronautical Advisory Board

13 Roles of Board –Title 6, Aviation MAAB Established. Membership, meetings, duties. –Title 5, Administrative Procedures Responsibilities, powers, duties. –Title 1, FOAA Public proceedings, public records. –Bylaws Updated based on Legal Office review, Commissioner approval Maine Aeronautical Advisory Board

14 Roles of Board Duties & Purpose –advise the Department on matters relating to aeronautics and recommendations for change to the aeronautical laws and comments upon the present and future needs of that service. Emphasis on enhancing economic opportunities and safety of the general public Maine Aeronautical Advisory Board

15 Roles of the Board –Chair Preside over meetings, work with Staff to schedule and prepare agenda –Vice Chair Perform duties of Chair in their absence –Executive Chair Past chair, ensure smooth transition –Secretary Staff, designee of Commissioner Maine Aeronautical Advisory Board



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