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All about Dues Presented by CNH District Treasurer Spencer Wong Yay!

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Presentation on theme: "All about Dues Presented by CNH District Treasurer Spencer Wong Yay!"— Presentation transcript:

1 All about Dues Presented by CNH District Treasurer Spencer Wong Yay!

2 $11 = $4.50 District + $6.50 International At least 15 members per club for good standing Liberties –Can be set at any price, just don’t to overboard Sent to the KCI office –Key Club International 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 46268-3196 The BASICS

3 Start PayingOctober 1 st Early BirdNovember 1 st RegularDecember 1 st Dues become DelinquentDecember 2 nd SupplementaryFebruary 1 st, 2009 SuspensionFebruary 1 st, 2009 Do the dues DUE DATES

4 Go to and click on the link near the bottom entitled “Membership Update Center” OR Go directly to Combined roster (For Secretaries) and invoice (For Treasurers) Can pay online using PayPal or credit card Make sure to read and follow all instructions clearly! If you’d like practice, use the sample codes. Membership Update Center














18 Losing envelope with password –Make sure faculty advisors expect the envelope in September. Not updating advisors –International needs recent advisor information Not deleting old members –Undeleted old members will increase dues payment. –Deleted members are marked by a **; they are not actually “deleted”. Common MISTAKES

19 Generating the invoice prematurely –Only create an invoice after you have completely finished updating; Once an invoice is generated, the updates are locked in. Forgetting to follow directions/press buttons –At certain points, changes are sent to the database; be careful! –Look carefully; some buttons are hard to see. Sending roster instead of invoice Common MISTAKES

20 Clubs need a Faculty Advisor International will work only with/contact Faculty Advisor Access information is sent ONLY to Faculty Advisor early September of each year. Can not be sent to anyone else. Includes password and usernames Faculty ADVISOR

21 Follows the same paying process as regular dues Includes all dues submitted after initial dues payment; first dues payment must be on-time. Please encourage and remind clubs to submit supplementary dues! Remember: only those who pay get benefits! Clubs should not have only 15 members if they really have more! Supplementary DUES

22 Always have the club number ready ( H*****) Be ready to identify District, Division, and city Be courteous and patient When calling, remember time zones! Only call if absolutely necessary; Try and find out the answer beforehand through other means. 1-800-KIWANIS ext. 411 Contacting INT’L

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