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JavaScript Justin Skinner Programming Languages. JavaScript JavaScript is not Java nor a subset But JavaScript does share the C-family syntax with Java.

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Presentation on theme: "JavaScript Justin Skinner Programming Languages. JavaScript JavaScript is not Java nor a subset But JavaScript does share the C-family syntax with Java."— Presentation transcript:

1 JavaScript Justin Skinner Programming Languages

2 JavaScript JavaScript is not Java nor a subset But JavaScript does share the C-family syntax with Java One of the most popular programming language, most web browser now a days has a JavaScript interpreter JavaScript is found in the html code

3 JavaScript: “Hello World” Hello World using JavaScript document.write(“Hello World”)

4 Brief History JavaScript was first known as LiveScript Developed by Brendan Eich in 1995 Standardization

5 Data Types Three primitive types boolean number –NaN (Not a Number) –Infinity string

6 Objects Objects are implemented as hash-tables Objects are just containers of name/value pairs Similarity and differences with Java’s objects Object creations

7 Example Creating Objects Nested Objects Object literal notation var student = new Object(); = “Mary Jane”; student.finalgrade = “A”; student.finalgrade.testgrade = “B”; student.finalgrade.homeworkgrade = “A”; var students = {name: “Mary Jane", finalgrade: “A”};

8 Functions Like C functions, except they have a keyword function instead of a type Calling the functions doesn’t require a fixed number of parameters Supports inner function Can have anonymous functions Functions are first class objects in JavaScript

9 The END!! Any Questions?

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