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Who Are We? A Journey through the US, One State at a Time. We’re going to go beyond “your average state report”! We’re making PowerPoint Explorations!

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Presentation on theme: "Who Are We? A Journey through the US, One State at a Time. We’re going to go beyond “your average state report”! We’re making PowerPoint Explorations!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Who Are We? A Journey through the US, One State at a Time. We’re going to go beyond “your average state report”! We’re making PowerPoint Explorations! STYLE NOTE: Throughout this PowerPoint, we’ll be showing you what you can, and shouldn’t do with PowerPoint.

3 Your State Name Here Your State Symbol Here STYLE NOTE: You can change how words come into the page -- but be careful it isn’t too much! Your Name Here

4 Political map This page will have a picture of your political map that you drew. Your political map must include: - Your state, neatly drawn and in color, with all words in pen - The state capital - Two other cities - The neighboring states (and, if applicable, any oceans or large bodies of water) - A map title - A map key - A compass rose STYLE NOTE: There are many types of font to choose from. You can change the size of the font, make it bold (darker), italicized (slanted), and underline it. Please be careful that you don’t choose too many different types of font on a single page. Please don’t choose a font your teacher can’t read :-)

5 Physical map This page will have a picture of your physical map that you drew. Your physical map must include: - Your state, neatly drawn and in color, with all writing in pen - The state capital - two bodies of water (rivers, lakes, oceans, etc) -Highest point/lowest point -One mountain or mountain range (if possible) -A map title -A map key -A compass rose STYLE NOTE: You can add color, too! Be careful of having too many colors, or colors that are too light or dark.

6 State flag This is where you should insert the picture of your hand drawn state flag. The flag should be colorful and an example of your best effort. Make sure you color in one direction! STYLE NOTE: You will be adding pictures of your work. You can move and resize the pictures once they are in the slide.

7 You choose You will get to choose these next two pages from the list we brainstormed at our early class meeting (it is posted on the wall!). Please remember that your work should be done in pen, and that all drawings must be in color. STYLE NOTE: You can move the angle of the words, too. It is pretty tricky, so you’ll need patience, and some help, at first. Be sure to not make it too hard to read!

8 This is the second page where you need to choose which information you’d like to share with the class about your state. STYLE NOTE: You can also add WordArt effect-- but they can easily be way too much, and can be very hard to read!

9 State facts This is where you will write your list of facts from your “basic fact” rough draft. THIS IS HARD TO READ! STYLE NOTE: You can add a background color and fill effects from the “format” menu. Be careful that you can still read the words!

10 This is where you will work as a team to summarize what you have written in your essays. You will use bullet points to make your list. STYLE NOTE: This page is way too busy! There are too many colors and effects. This is the ultimate “do not do this” example.

11 Bibliography You will type in the information off of your bibliography rough draft into this page. STYLE NOTE: This slide is about to transition to the next slide. There are good transitions, and bad ones. Which is this one?

12 The End STYLE NOTE: Make your presentation interesting to watch, but not overwhelming. Think about if you would enjoy it if it wasn’t your work. And be kind to your poor teacher’s old eyes and choose fonts and colors that are easy to read!

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