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Today’s presentation  Creating a new system for public health service across Cheshire and Merseyside  Progress and challenges identified on the way.

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2 Today’s presentation  Creating a new system for public health service across Cheshire and Merseyside  Progress and challenges identified on the way

3 The start of the journey in the NW “Shifting the Balance of Power” Dispersed public health expertise PH networks recommended to solve a capacity issue Three networks were launched during 2003 to map the then three SHAs Overseen by the DPH collectively and funded by the PCTs

4 Cheshire and Merseyside Partners For Health ChaMPs is the public health network for Cheshire and Merseyside CHeshire And Merseyside PartnershipS for Health Serves 2.3 million people in Cheshire & Merseyside Mix of urban and rural communities Incorporating 8 PCT’s (5 were spearhead) and 9 local authorities Life expectancy in the sub-region up to 10 years lower than England and Wales average

5 Why a network approach? Maximise economies of scale Share specialist public health expertise Avoid duplication of effort Shared learning through CPD Prevent professional isolation

6 CHESHIRE AND MERSEYSIDE’S PUBLIC HEALTH NETWORK Key successes Creating successful strategic partnerships Liverpool City Region, Safer Healthier Communities Board and Cheshire & Warrington Health & Wellbeing Commission 2. Effective commissioning – collaboration DoCs/DoFs PLCV standardised and evidenced based New Screening commissioning framework Review of Bariatric services

7 Developing a new public health system across Cheshire and Merseyside Using Large Scale Change 05/06/2016 Large Scale Change is about… Articulating a vision of something much better than status quo Tapping into and mobilising the imagination, will and energy of a large number of diverse stakeholders Creating change in multiple processes and systems Continually refreshing the story & attracting new, active supporters Monitoring progress and adapting as you go

8 Our journey C&M DsPH agreed a LSC project plan, DPH Champions and a Core Team, led by ChaMPs The team developed a shared vision, driver diagram and time line and shared these with the ChaMPs Steering Group Supported by influential LA CEOs (Sefton MBC and Cheshire East Council) Established Task and Finish Groups Public Health Intelligence and Knowledge Management Health Improvement Health Protection Public health offer to GP Consortia

9 Our journey …… Also established a Communications/Social Marketing Task and Finish Group to commission insight into views and perceptions of public health from LA CEO’s, Elected Members, GPs etc Business Case on the future public health system being developed

10 In light of the national changes to the public health system we will transform public health services into effective, resilient and fit for purpose services to support the achievement of better health outcomes for the people of Cheshire and Merseyside by 2012 Develop a marketing plan to communicate the C&M public health offer to GP’s and Local Authorities and engage Local Authorities in planning the public health system across C&M Confirm and agree the public health functionality at a Local Authority and Sub- regional level and develop a model Develop a public health workforce and build capacity in the transition process Establish a small Task and Finish Group to set marketing objectives, develop stakeholder analysis, agree critical success factors and discuss research options to understand current public health perceptions (30 days) Develop a marketing plan with activities to target and engage Stakeholders (90 days) Implement marketing activity and measure against critical success factors (90 days and to 2012) Monitor and review marketing plan as required (90 days and to 2012) Prepare DsPH response to PH White paper for C&M (60 days) Engage and provide a brief to C&M LA CEO Meetings (30 days) Provide a brief to CM DsPH to engage with their LA CEO and PH Teams (30 days)  Overall map of public health functions (Completed)  Review the functionality of Health Protection (90 days)  Consider the CEC PCT model to enable public health to support GP Consortia across C&M (90 days)  Review the commissioning of Wellness Services (90days)  Review the functionality and develop a model for public health intelligence and knowledge management across C&M to support commissioning (90days)  Prepare a paper for ChaMPs Steering Group/HWB Boards/CEOs to clarify where public health functions are best delivered (90 days)  Engage with Greater Merseyside Service Development (60 days)  Review education/training and academia need for the system (30 days)  Understand the strategic leadership requirements for Liverpool City Region/Cheshire and Warrington Health and Wellbeing Commission (60 days) Map public health workforce across C&M (Completed) Plan DPH Masterclass, public health CPD Programmes, Health and Wellbeing Board developments and NW Public Health Conference (60 days) Support the transition of public health teams to the Local Authorities (90 days) Encourage engagement in the workforce charter and 2020 to promote staff wellbeing (60 days) Plan and deliver NW PH Conference (90 days to Autumn 2011) Explore the development of a social enterprise/charity arm Consider options of a social enterprise/charity/joint venture arm (90 days) Develop an internal performance monitoring dashboard to measure and track the evolution of our system Establish small Task and Finish Group to develop a performance monitoring framework that will include a ‘risk’ reporting process (30 days) Scope and define success criteria against the monitoring of the evolving system (60 days) Monitor the performance (90 days and to 2012) C&M Public Health Driver Diagram New and Integrated Public Health Service in Cheshire and Merseyside VISIONPRIMARY DRIVERS SECONDARY DRIVERS

11 Emergence of a New Managed and Integrated Public Health Service in Greater Merseyside and Cheshire, Warrington and Wirral Clusters Both Clusters have established an Executive DsPH Leadership Group to develop their PH Service by March 2013 Greater Merseyside DsPH have developed a robust strategic delivery plan with actions to achieve Greater Merseyside DsPH have led the delivery of two public health staff and wider stakeholders events with a third 21 st July 2011 Cheshire, Warrington and Wirral DsPH are deliverying their 1 st staff stakeholder event 15 th August 2011 Greater Merseyside DsPH have focused on Public Health functions and resisted focusing on structure/organisational form Both are challenging assumptions with a focus on value for money whilst recognising economies of scale Greater Merseyside DsPH have establishing task and finish groups to determine the optimum delivery of public health functions similar to LSC approach

12 Challenges…. The constant changes to landscape – new rivers start flowing! Health & Social Care Bill currently going through parliament – we don’t know the size of the river! We need to take our work force with us; some see change as a threat to their current ways of working (we are anticipating and coping with push back!) Maintaining motivation and engagement with key stakeholders – esp LA – framing it differently and using the LSC cycle to have buy- in Maintaining staff focus and drive in difficult and uncertain times and engaging them as current and future leaders Not looking for a perfect solution but to get on!

13 Thank you – any questions? For more information:


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