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August 2010 Prevention Quarterly Harry Prim and Michelle Nienhius.

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Presentation on theme: "August 2010 Prevention Quarterly Harry Prim and Michelle Nienhius."— Presentation transcript:

1 August 2010 Prevention Quarterly Harry Prim and Michelle Nienhius

2  Gentle reminders  What are the changes you will find for FY11?  Expectations around state oversight of KIT

3 Important Reminders

4  Please contact KIT as soon as you run into a problem while using the system  Can send the KIT support team a message while logged into the system or  Can call KIT support at 1-888-600-4777  Always let Harry Prim or Michelle Nienhius know if your situation is not being addressed or resolved.

5  Remember that service codes link to identified strategy.  Be sure to provide a brief but adequate activity description:  For example if you conducted Session 6 of All Stars at Shay Day School, activity description should not read, “Shay Day School”.  Be sure to provide a brief description for all Administrative time entries except those related to leave taken.

6  Decisions have been made that certain service codes are to be used for identified programs and/or activities. Examples are:  Service code STN03 should only be used for AET Casual Contacts related service entries.  Service code STV03 should only be used for PREP (Merchant Education) and its related activities.  Service code STP03 should only be used with TEP and its related activities.

7  Enter NO service time related to AEP in KIT.  Be aware that the service code for training and technical assistance related to environmental strategies is STV01.  Meetings related to environmental strategies can be coded with service code STC04.

8  Use service code STC04 when entering service time for meetings related to environmental strategies.  Make sure you are entering number direct and indirect service hours properly.  For example, a meeting held re: All Stars, PREP, TEP, or a presentation is indirect service time.

9 PPlease visit the following web address for documents that will further help you increase KIT data entry accuracy:

10 The changes you will find in KIT

11  State has the ability to transfer identified goals, objectives, programs, etc. from FY10.  Place to designate which strategies are being addressed for each program can be made on the program page.  Demographics can be added on the recurring services page.  No more evaluation page.  No more participant page.

12 An Example








20  Following transfer process, data will still need to be edited locally.  Under programs, CSAP Prevention strategies will need to be added.  With any new process implementation, there will be kinks that have to be worked out.


22  Program name matches service code.  Program name, service code and activity description match.  Time present for all staff members present in the monthly report, including AET Coordinator.

23  Administrative hours—is a brief description present for all entries beside those indicating leave time?  Administrative hours—are there any entries here that should be entered as indirect or direct service time under a specific program.  Number of service and administrative hours equal at least 120.00 hours*

24  If unable to complete entries on time, email Michelle Nienhius* and copy Harry Prim.  Because on occasion unforeseen circumstances make entering entries on time difficult.

25  AET operation may not take place in each county each month—be sure to record even time spent communicating with others in anticipation/planning for upcoming or potential AET activities.  Be sure to record time spent making AET Casual Contacts.

26  KIT Users Manual  FAQ Guide-SC Documents webpage  SC KIT Solutions Service Codes by Strategy  Service counts by Strategy/Program and Service Code  Direct vs. Indirect Service Time by Strategy/Program and Service Code



29  Michelle Nienhius∙803-896-1184∙  Brenda Powell∙803-896-1272∙  Harry Prim∙803-896-1199∙  Steven Burritt∙803-896-1185∙

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