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Urinalysis Tidbits. Stains Sternheimer-Malbin Crystal Violet and Safranin O Lipid Stains Oil Red O and Sudan III Stain Trigs and Neutral Fat but Not Cholesterol.

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Presentation on theme: "Urinalysis Tidbits. Stains Sternheimer-Malbin Crystal Violet and Safranin O Lipid Stains Oil Red O and Sudan III Stain Trigs and Neutral Fat but Not Cholesterol."— Presentation transcript:

1 Urinalysis Tidbits

2 Stains Sternheimer-Malbin Crystal Violet and Safranin O Lipid Stains Oil Red O and Sudan III Stain Trigs and Neutral Fat but Not Cholesterol Cholesterol polarizes Cholesterol Drops Maltese Cross Cholesterol Crystals Birefringence

3 Microscopic Sediment Prep 12 mL Spin 5 min at 400 RCF RCF Relative Centrifugal Force RCF = 1.118 x 10 -5 x radius in cm x RPM 2 Examine a Min of 10 Fields Low and High

4 Microscopy Bright field Polarized Phase Contrast Interference

5 Red Blood Cells Pale red Ghost Cells Dilute or Alkaline Lyse Hypertonic Conditions Crenate 2% Acetic Acid Lyse Yeast and Calcium Oxalate do not disappear with 2 % acidic acid

6 WBC Granular and often visible nucleus Hypertonic will shrink Hypotonic “Glitter” cells associated with Infection and Irritation & Pyelonephritis Glitter cells show Brownian movement

7 Epithelial Cells Squamous Contamination TransitionalBladder Renal Tubular Renal Tubules

8 Squamous Cells Large, flat irregular shape Small nucleus Urethra and contamination Not considered Clinically Sig

9 Clue Cell Vaginal Infection w Gardnerella vaginalis Squamous cell covered w coccobacillus Covers most of cell and extends beyond edges Vaginal wet prep but may appear in urine

10 Renal Tubular Cell Slightly larger than WBC Eccentric nucleus Increased numbers Tubular damage Pyelonephritis, Acute Tubular necrosis

11 Hemosiderin Not birefringent unlike urates or phosphates Prussian blue dye stains iron of Hb blue

12 Transitional Cells Smaller than Squamous Several Forms Caudate, spherical and polyhedral Central nucleus Renal Pelvis, calyses, ureters and bladder Not Clinical Sig catheterization

13 Starch granules Source Powdered Gloves Maltese cross Polarized light Look like a pouch

14 Crab Pediculosis pubis

15 Pinworm Enterobius vermicularis Ova one side flat Adult male

16 Schistosoma hematobium World wide problem Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Iran Africa US lacks the snail intermediate host Trematode Terminal spine

17 Triple Phosphate Tri Phosphate going into solution

18 RTE

19 Mite Adult mite Scabies Smaller than crab

20 UA Web Sites Comprehensive Review html html

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