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1 IT architectures and Enterprise Systems integration in SMEs Frantz Rowe Marc Bidan Nantes University Duane Truex Georgia State University OASIS / Pré.

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Presentation on theme: "1 IT architectures and Enterprise Systems integration in SMEs Frantz Rowe Marc Bidan Nantes University Duane Truex Georgia State University OASIS / Pré."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 IT architectures and Enterprise Systems integration in SMEs Frantz Rowe Marc Bidan Nantes University Duane Truex Georgia State University OASIS / Pré ICIS / 2004

2 2 Presentation Research question Conceptual framework Hypotheses Methodology Results Conclusion

3 3 This paper has two aims Examine if the implementation (organizational vision, functional coverage, process reengineering, implementation strategy, DBs heterogeneous, application, and specific development) of ERP systems explains the emergence of several IT architectures Evaluate the impact of such implementation concerning (1) applications integration and (2) applications federation

4 4 R esearch question Does ERP Implementation offer a more integrated/federated IS architecture ? What about hybrids forms ?

5 5 Conceptual framework Markus theory (2000 and 2001) Alsène theory (1997) Menadier theory (2002)

6 6 Methodology Quantitative aspects of the research data –Tested Population : 143 French SMEs companies –Minimum of 2 ERP modules, –Single editor, –Minimum of 6 months live implementation, –Respondents are ERP project managers and functional managers

7 7 Results Three categories of IT architecture underlining IS “urbanisation” choices in SMEs : federated IT architecture partial integrated IT architecture hybrid integrated IT architecture

8 8 Result 1: Federated IT architecture

9 9 Result 2: Partial Integrated IT architecture

10 10 Result 3: Hybrid Integrated IT architecture

11 11 Conclusion

12 12 Future research Results require greater explanation in a number of respects: –Cross-functionality and interoperability of applications merits being examined in greater detail from the user viewpoint –The purpose of specific developments should be underlined and investigated –The life cycle approach taken here is restricted purely to the overall description of ERP issue and should be developed and carried forward as a basis for future research

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