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Problems for questionnaire WEN Qiufang. Advantages and disadvantages  What is a questionnaire able to investigate?  What is a questionnaire unable to.

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Presentation on theme: "Problems for questionnaire WEN Qiufang. Advantages and disadvantages  What is a questionnaire able to investigate?  What is a questionnaire unable to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Problems for questionnaire WEN Qiufang

2 Advantages and disadvantages  What is a questionnaire able to investigate?  What is a questionnaire unable to do?

3 Problems  Without a conceptual framework  Without proper categories  Categories not mutually exclusive  items of low validity

4 Motivation Motivation is defined as reasons for learning English, I.e. why do they want to learn English which are divided into two categories according to Biggs’ theory

5 Beliefs Learners’ views on what can lead to success in L2 learning (Similar to the knowledge aspect of Metalearning defined by Biggs and Philosophy mentioned by Abraham and Vann

6 Strategies Actions taken to facilitate the accomplishment of language learning tasks (same as Rubin’s definition)

7 How to define the subcategories of each variable? Theory-driven Data-driven

8 Theory-driven  Biggs’s classification of motivation –Surface motive –Deep motive

9 Theory-driven  O’Malley & Chamot’s classification of strategies  Metacognitive  Cogntive

10 Theory-driven Stern’s three continua as theoretical assumptions for classifying the subcategories of learning strategies –L1-L2 connection –The explicit-implicit option –The code-communication dilemma

11 Subcategories of beliefs  Management belief  Form-focused belief  Meaning-focused belief  Mother-tongue-use belief Views on the importance of management strategies tn Views on the importance of form- focused strategies Views on the importance of meaning-focused strategies Views on the importance of using L1 in learning English

12 Subcategories of strategies  Management strategies  Form-focused strategies  Meaning-focused strategies  Mother-tongue-use strategies Strategies used in planning and regulating the learning process cognitively and affectively and learners’ study habits Strategies used in form- focused activities and text-based intensive study Strategies used in communicative activities and in seeking exposure to the language Strategies used in the use of the mother tongue in learning

13 Motivation, Belief, Strategy Motivation Surface motive (3) Deep motive (3) Beliefs MB (6)FFB(6) MFB (6) MUB (4) StrategiesMS (8)FFS (7)MFS (6) MUS (4) 60 items 53 items

14 Three stages  Stage One  Interviewed four successful English learners at different ages  Reviewed the existing literature and instruments  Stage Two  Pilot study (52 subjects)  Stage Three  Validation (242 subjects from five universities)

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