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SSTF Implementation Hot Topics Julie Bruno, Sierra College, Host David Morse, Long Beach City College Michelle Pilati, Rio Hondo College.

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Presentation on theme: "SSTF Implementation Hot Topics Julie Bruno, Sierra College, Host David Morse, Long Beach City College Michelle Pilati, Rio Hondo College."— Presentation transcript:

1 SSTF Implementation Hot Topics Julie Bruno, Sierra College, Host David Morse, Long Beach City College Michelle Pilati, Rio Hondo College

2 Overview  “Privatization”  Mission-changing  Enrollment Priorities (proposed Title 5 changes)  “Scorecard”  BOGFW  Others

3 Privatization?  Source of funds for SSTF  Private companies seeking to profit  Motivations of:  SSTF  CCCCO  BoG  Legislature

4 Mission Changing  Possibly or even probably.  Where should ASCCC’s advocacy efforts be focused?  Best possible experience for students with clear educational goals  Protecting access for “lifelong learners”  Are some students or some student goals “more worthy”?

5 Enrollment Priorities  SSTF 3.1; CCCs will adopt priorities that: (1)Reflect the core mission of transfer, CTE, and basic skills development; (2)Encourage students to identify their educational objective and follow a prescribed path most likely to lead to success; (3)Ensure access and the opportunity for success for new students; and (4)Incentivize students to make progress toward their educational goal.

6 Highest priority for…  Continuing students in good standing who are making progress toward a certificate, degree, transfer, or career advancement objective..  First-time students who participate in orientation and assessment and develop an informed education plan.  Students who begin addressing any basic skills deficiencies in their first year, through either courses or other approaches.  Students with legislated priority.

7 Continuing students lose priority if..  Do not follow their original or a revised education plan  Are placed for two consecutive terms on Academic Probation (GPA below 2.0 after attempting 12 or more units) or Progress Probation (failure to successfully complete at least 50 percent of their classes  Fail to declare a program of study by the end of their third term  Accrue 100 units, not including Basic Skills and ESL courses.

8 Enrollment Priorities  Timeline for Title 5 changes  March-April 2012: Enrollment Priority Workgroup Meetings  April 19 th, 2012: Consultation Council  May 6-7, 2012: BOG first reading  July 9-10, 2012: BOG second reading

9 Enrollment Priorities  If proposed timeline is followed:  August-September, 2012: Control Agency Review  October 2012: Potential effective date of new regulations  180 Day Implementation Window: Local CCD adoption of policies and registration procedures  Spring 2012 Registration for Fall 2013  Fall 2013 classes reflect new 58108 registration priorities

10 Scorecard  A simple “snapshot” of how a college is doing  What metrics should be used?  What context should be provided?  Self-comparison  Dangers?

11 BOGFW  Should BOGFW students continue to receive a BOGFW as long as another student would continue to have their courses subsidized by the state?  Should BOGFW students be held to progress standards, as is common with other forms of financial aid?

12 Others

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