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PESADA - Indonesia Women & CS Empowerment Program in North Sumatra & Sumatra Island (cooperation with dvv_international)

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Presentation on theme: "PESADA - Indonesia Women & CS Empowerment Program in North Sumatra & Sumatra Island (cooperation with dvv_international)"— Presentation transcript:

1 PESADA - Indonesia Women & CS Empowerment Program in North Sumatra & Sumatra Island (cooperation with dvv_international)

2 Result 1 Promotion of educational institutions and structures Publication: Monthly bulletin ‘Suara Perempuan' (Women’s Voice) Module & TOT on Disaster Responsive Management with Gender & Children Perspectives Book on Result of participatory research (Cases & Analyisi on VAW in 2 customary societies) Hand out the case studies of women victims of violence (WCC Sinceritas) Hand out for Teachers “Integration of Gender & Sexuality” (Kinder Garden & Basic Education)

3 Networking & Women’s Movement: FBCB (Sumatra Island NGO Learning Forum for Cap. Building): – Organizational Assessment – Organizational Assistance – Code of conduct – 3 year Plan & FBCB Secretariat Small ‘nuclear’ group of feminist at national level & Provincial/local for Women Activist, allies for women empowerment & Feminists National & international networking (Indonesian women coalition, women in micro businesses emp.,micro credit adult education)

4 Capacity Building Gender Awareness: – Women VOT in Sinceritas. – Gender Awareness for CU members, families and – Local level government (incl. Teachers) – NGOs & women activists For PESADA: on women political participation Advocacy on Gender Based Violence ( GBV ) Community Organizing for urban poor women (PPSW). Financial Management (YIS) Internal orientation (gender, HR, Political, Code of Conduct)

5 “Implementation of educational program” Women Credit Unions as vehicle for economic & political empowerment (4 Big Credit Unions, 73 units) Micro/Small Business Development – MC, services (women include VOT) Organic Farming: awareness building, practice & promotion

6 Initial awareness on Gender & Reproductive Rights Initiation of “Women Center” Initiation of Community-based approach on VAW/GBV Supporting & peer group for victim of gender-based violence Basic Education:Package A & B for girls VOT

7 Agreement with lawyers and relevant institutions on Gender Perspective in Advocacy and Law Enforcement. Regular attendance & consultation at planning workshops in local government Number of women as Candidates across pol.parties

8 Lobbying, advocacy: Budget for pre-school children education Consultation with/by local women empowerment dept. Gender awareness raising of women head of villages & Members of Village Council Public initial awareness & government attention on gender issues of law/bylaw. Political parties acknowledge on women representation

9 Monitoring & Evaluation Regular Annual Evaluation & Planning External evaluation (Benefit, Outcome) Strategic Planning (up dated as needed)

10 Best Practices Women Credit Union for economic & Political empowerment Women’s voice Bulletin (monthly) Gender Awareness Raising Course & GM Code of conduct for NGOs (incl. Participatory Organizational Assessment) Holistic approach in WCC (Counseling, Shelter, legal counseling, legal awareness, economic approach) On going Political education

11 CHANGES Community Awareness on women’s issues NGO’s awareness on gender issues in organisation Micro finance availability for rural & poor women Advocacy availability for women victims of VAW & traficking Women’s Position in Desicion Making Local government positive attitude on NGOs, women groups and civil societies

12 Lesson learned Gender Awareness Raising is an ongoing “mandate” The importance of combining of Policy Advocacy and practical work in the ground – carefully choose the strategic action The importance of men as allies in women empowerment Religion must be learned/understood for challenging fundamentalism The missing of youth in the women’s movement & feminists The patience for very long process of policy advocacy even in the village rural & for small amount of contribution. The vital role of ICT in community empowerment esp.for movement & networking

13 2009 - 2011 To increase critical awareness and participation of women and the marginalized groups in the process of decision making both in domestic and public arena. To improve capacity and gender perspective of CBOs, NGOs and activists; particularly women activists and women NGOs. To raise gender sensitivity and understanding of the significance of Adult Education of local government, particularly Local Authorities, Education and Women Empowerment Departments.

14 Priorities ICT Development/Women Center, FBCB, Grassroots Gender mainstreaming Women’s & Political Participation (Women Candidacy Institution) Violence Against Women/ Gender-based Violence (hand out & community based approach) Networking & Capacity Building Advocacy on Budget, Gender, AE (GM, CONFINTEA, MDGs, Beijing Declaration)

15 Challenges Fundamentalism of religion & macro economy policy Ambiguity of law (quota, pornography) & law enforcement Activism vs Competition with international NGOs. Strategy development and synergy for women’s political participation Recruitment of feminist/education for young women/girls Access to rapid progress of ICT, ‘open source’ & bigger dependence on electricity/gas. Financial crisis, unemployment, returning of migrant workers.

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