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Strategic Energy Planning Prepared by Utility Savings Initiative State Energy Office Department of Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Energy Planning Prepared by Utility Savings Initiative State Energy Office Department of Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Energy Planning Prepared by Utility Savings Initiative State Energy Office Department of Administration

2 USI Contacts…  Len Hoey 919 733 1891  Chuck Sathrum 919 715 1158  Reid Conway 828 670 3389

3 Agenda Basic Strategic Energy & Water Planning This course will provide the necessary information for the participant to develop and implement an energy plan. An energy plan should provide the methodology to effectively manage utilities for your facilities.

4 Agenda Process Steps 1.Why 2.How 3.Data Collection 4.Measure Results 5.Evaluate Results 6.Develop Plan  Strategies  Tactics 7.Implement Plan Data Collection Develop Plan Implement Plan Measure Results Evaluate Results

5 Why “Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail” Alan Lakeim

6 Why 1.Manage Use and Costs  Savings vs. Avoided Costs 2.Environmental carbon footprint  Cool cities  College presidents climate commitment 3.Improve building performance.  Correct hot/cold spots  Indoor air quality/ventilation

7 Why 4.Agency and universities statutory requirements  G.S. 143 64.12(a) 5.Access to SEO Funds 6.Identify emergency conservation procedures 7.Identify most energy efficient equipment replacements prior to failure

8 How A plan is a journey not a destination Data Collection Develop Plan Implement Plan Measure Results Evaluate Results

9 How Assemble stakeholders  Management  Financial  Facilities  Occupants  HR  Faculty  Students  Utility Providers Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate

10 Data Collection Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate  Utility bills consumption and $ monthly  For SEO dollars should be total costs including base meter charges, fees, taxes  l year history minimum  Provide baseline and ability to measure progress  Buildings, equipment inventory (CMMS), insurance lists (list plug load inventory and space heaters)  Building assessments

11 Data Collection Mini Refrigerators cost between $80 and $150 dollars a year to operate

12 Data Collection Thermostat above both coffee pot and toaster oven

13 Data Collection Space Heaters cost between $150 and $250 dollars a year to operate per heater. Don’t forget to add extra cooling costs in the summertime.

14 Data Collection Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate  Sub-meter Data  Purchasing policies  Energy star  Life Cycle Cost Analysis  If policies do not contain an energy efficiency element they should  Current policies, programs, projects and funding

15 Data Collection














29 Measure Results of Data Collection Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Identify gaps in data:  Supply side (utilities)  Demand side  Sub meters  building and equipment inventory data Develop methods to record consumption and cost data both supply and demand recommended

30 Measure Results of Data Collection Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate 1.Building performance data  Hot/cold calls  Plug load inventory 2.Building audit and maintenance reports  Current projects, programs and funding  Purchasing policies

31 Evaluate Results of Data Collection Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate  Validate data accuracy  Do gaps need to be filled before continuing  If yes, becomes part of plan  Establish key performance indicators (KPIs)  Building data  Create prioritized list of ECMs  Group: no-cost /low-cost/capital

32 Key Performance Indicators Evaluate Results of Data Collection  The Energy Office has to standardize on Btu/gsf/yr and gal/gsf/yr as an overall state level KPI  Should this metric not accurately reflect your performance you may create additional KPIs and report this in your Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate

33 Develop the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate 1.S.M.A.R.T Goals  Specific  Measureable  Action-Oriented  Realistic  Time-Dependent

34 Develop the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate 2.Keep it focused and simple 3.Less may be more 4.Sustainable

35 Develop the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Strategy  The philosophies, plans and policies supporting long term energy management goals  Example: “We will implement conservation measures that have a simple payback of two years or less.”

36 Develop the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Tactics  Short term actions that support strategic energy management goals  Example: We will replace all incandescent EXIT signs in buildings ABC and XYZ this year with more efficient technologies

37 Develop the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Primary USI elements  Executive summary  Supply side  Demand side  Awareness and training  Water

38 Develop the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Optional elements  Transportation  Community Based  Residential programs  Materials management (recycling)  Commercial, industrial, retail programs

39 Develop the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Executive summary elements 1.Multi year look ahead (5 years) 2.Brief description of facility/campus 3.Top Executive statement of commitment 4.Mission and goals of plan  20% reduction by 2010  30% reduction by 2015

40 Develop the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Executive summary elements 5.Assign overall responsibility and accountability  hire Energy Manager 6.Summarize where you are and where you want to go (strategies) 7.List KPIs

41 Develop the Plan KPI Example: Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate

42 Develop the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Supply Side (utility side of meter) 1.Strategic narrative (5 year)  Risk minimization  Multiple fuel sources  Purchase utilities at most economical rates  Maximize utilization of incentive programs

43 Develop the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Supply Side (utility side of meter) 2.Tactics (tables 1 year)  Data collection, management and analysis  Identify appropriate software  Assign responsibility  Rate reviews  Review contracts with providers  Leverage utility company incentives

44 Develop the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Supply Side Table

45 Develop the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Demand Side (owner side of meter) 1.Strategic narrative (5 year)  Adopt LEED or other building standard  Statutory new building requirements  Project criteria  Simple payback  Equipment replacement strategy

46 Develop the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Demand Side (owner side of meter) 2.Strategic narrative (5 year)  Policy overview  Sub-metering objectives  Purchasing strategies (energy)  Energy Star  Life Cycle Cost Analysis

47 Develop the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Demand Side (owner side of meter) 3.Tactics (tables 1 year)  Take projects from prioritized list  Specific targeted activities  Short implementation times  Measureable results

48 Develop the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Demand Side Table

49 Develop the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Awareness and Training 1.Strategic narrative (5 year)  Set policies to achieve energy efficiency goals  Offer technical training to staff  Organizational communications

50 Develop the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Awareness and Training 2.Tactics (tables 1 year)  Conservation Action Team/Stakeholders  Occupant participation (admin, staff, faculty, students)  Turn off/Turn down

51 Develop the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Awareness and Training 3.Tactics (tables l year)  EMD classes  Building Operators Certification  Technical workshops and classes

52 Develop the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Awareness and Training

53 Develop the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Water 1.Strategic narrative (5 year)  Internal water consumption only  Set policies to achieve water conservation goals  Plan must support DENR water quality and use standards

54 Develop the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Water 2.Tactics (tables l year)  Install 0.5 gpm aerators and other low flow fixtures  Use EPA Water Sense as purchasing guide  No potable water irrigation

55 Develop the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Water

56 Develop the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Appendix A – Emergency Procedures  Water  Tactics  Short term  Activities that can be curtailed to conserve water  Measures that can be taken to reduce water consumption

57 Develop the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Appendix B – Emergency Procedures  Energy  Tactics  Short term  Activities that can be curtailed to conserve energy  Measures that can be taken to reduce energy consumption

58 Develop the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Appendix C – Equipment Replacement  Tactics  Identify critical equipment  Locate potential loaner/rental replacement  Determine if equipment is still the correct size, capacity and type for current conditions  Specify correct replacement including source

59 Implement the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate 1.Identify financial resources  Utility Providers  O&M  R&R  COPS/Bonds  Performance Contracts  SEO  ARRA funds

60 Implement the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate 2.Identify partner resources  Community Colleges  Universities  County or municipal partners  SEO  Workforce development  COGS

61 Implement the Plan Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate 3.Align resources with projects 4.Perform no cost behavioral activities first 5.Assign accountability and responsibility 6.Then Do It

62 Measure Results of Implementation Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Measurement of results should be based upon the method by which each tactic is to be measured.

63 Measure Results of Implementation Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate 1.Continue to identify gaps in data 2.Building performance data  Hot/cold calls  Plug load inventory 3.Purchasing policies including rate changes 4.Occupant participation

64 Measure Results of Implementation Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate 5.Measured energy reductions from meter data 6.Measured cost reductions from billing data 7.Number of newsletters issued 8.Number of team meetings conducted 9.KPI Trend 10.Number of measures implemented from plan

65 Measure Results of Implementation Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Supply Side

66 Measure Results of Implementation Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Demand Side

67 Measure Results of Implementation Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Awareness & Training

68 Measure Results of Implementation Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate Water

69 Evaluate Results of Implementation Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate 1.Validate data accuracy 2.Were measurements relevant for what you wanted to achieve with project?

70 Evaluate Results of Implementation Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate 3.Did you achieve or surpass goals as indicated in measurements column of tables?  If not, why?  Is the project complete?  Continue, expand or abandon project

71 Evaluate Results of Implementation Data Develop Implemen t Measure Evaluate 4.Determine next steps to achieve strategic goals 5.Create new prioritized list  Group: no-cost /low-cost/capital  Set realistic goals

72 2009-2010 Plan Plan Updates For State Agencies and Universities  Due July 2009  1 year look ahead  1 year left to get 20% from baseline

73 2010-2011 Plan Plan Updates For State Agencies and Universities  Due July 2010  5 year look ahead  Total reduction 30% from baseline

74 Sample Declaration I have read the Strategic Energy & Water Plan for my Organization. The plan, as presented, supports the reductions required in G.S. 143 ‑ 64.12(a) Implemented this ____ day of ___________, 2009. _____________________________________________________________ _______________________ Utility Manager Director of Facilities Chief Financial/Budget Officer Department Head/Chancellor

75 Sample Mandate Commitment We recognize that energy and water consumption can be managed to our benefit. Energy and water management is a responsibility of the occupants at each facility, guided and supported by the Energy Manager, USI liaison. The attached plan outlines the activities and expenditures required to reduce energy and water consumption to achieve the goals of the program. The Department Heads will review progress and results quarterly, and will support staff attendance at training in energy and water management at least quarterly. Strategic Energy & Water Plan Mandate- Goals Reduce annual Total Energy Consumption by a minimum of ___% by fiscal year _____-____ from a baseline fiscal year ____-____. Strategic Energy & Water Plan Mandate- Measures Our tracking measures will be the following Key Performance Indicators (KPI): Total Energy Use Btu per Square Foot per year Strategic Energy & Water Plan Mandate- Commitment I have read and support the Strategic Energy & Water Plan for my Organization Implemented this ____ day of ___________ ______________________________________ ___________________________ _______________________ Utility Manager Director of Facilities Chief Financial/Budget Officer Chief Operating Officer

76 Possibilities “Don’t make excuses. Find solutions.” Unknown

77 Thank You for Attending

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