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Presentation on theme: "SABIN MIDDLE SCHOOL ACTION PLAN EDLS-643 Vicky Chiles."— Presentation transcript:


2 Month 2012-13 Activities/StrategiesPersons(s) Responsible ResourcesOutcomesBarriers/ Interventions Evidence of Success AUGUST 8/13/12 Introduction on Action PlanPrincipalHandouts to include data, action plan Staff awarenessBuy-inFeedback / survey AUGUST 8/13/12 Ongoing Monthly/ PLC”s Spence Rogers classroom management strategies, student engagement, best practices workshop Assistant principal/ Team leaders Spence Rogers curriculum, books, handouts $5000.00 6 hour training/2 days- 8/13/12 Ongoing Monthly PLC Meetings Teachers will have multiple resources to implement new strategies to engage and motivate all learners and their different needs (male/female, class, age, etc) Teacher implementation of subject matter with fidelity. Intervention: promote team concept with co- teaching or PLC co- teaching Teachers will be required to use one new strategy of their choice each month posted in lesson plans/with reflection.-turned into team /PLC leader(s) Reviewed with PLC group monthly. Evidence: less referrals- referral data, walk- through’s, teacher evaluations October Through February Writing Teacher Peer Observations of Reciprocal Teaching with feedback loops One day per month, rotation- each teacher X4 for the year LRT, Principal-All writing teachers -Teacher release time -substitute teachers -$1600.00 for substitute Teacher/teacher observations to collect/ reinforce best practices and provide feedback in a non- threatening environment Teacher willingness Follow through Intervention: tie into evaluation rubric Teachers collaborates uses strategies Evidence of teacher feedback, lesson plan documentation/teacher evaluation October Through February Writing PLC Group book review-Micheal Gurians, “Differences in Boys and Girls Learning” Teachers will read, group discussion/implementation practices Cumulative gains report/progress reports will be pulled for male students every two weeks and analyzed for fidelity of use of program and for student growth Writing PLC Leader Assistant Principal Writing Teachers, PLC Leader, Team Leader Princip al Books 8- books- $200.00 None To receive new strategies dealing with gender targeting male students Teacher willingness and follow through Intervention: group activity, team leader led and will check ongoing progress Referrals of students to the problem solving team, RTI process, based upon intervention data, Movement of students into/out of intervention programs Evidence of fidelity of use (time on program, intervention flags, etc.) SABIN ACTION PLAN

3 Month 2012-13 Activities/StrategiesPerson(s) Responsible ResourcesOutcomesBarriers/ Interventions Evidence of Success August 2012 new year teacher PD- 3 hours Ongoing Quarterly Check-ups Weekly E-mails With Strategies 1 st week of School 1 st - 3 rd quarter Parent teacher conference s PBIS Professional Development- Teachers Team based PBIS plans/strategy session-quarterly team check-ups school wide implementation plan teacher responsibilities/benefits student responsibilities/benefits Students Introduction assembly for each grade level Parent Introduction/Review and Open Forum 30 minute meeting PBIS Facilitator, Team Leaders Assistant Principal PBIS Facilitator Handouts, team planning, rewards PBIS allotted funds $500.00 -year PBIS fundraising PBIS grant writing Rewards, PAWS buck, $200.00 Handouts, refreshments $75.00 Promote a positive classroom environment Reduce office referrals Keeping student in class and learning Build buy-in for students and awareness of program Parent awareness Lack of staff implementation with fidelity Intervention: Team activity, team requirement Funds Intervention: fundraising Funds Intervention: fundraising Evidence: Team collaboration/success Student surveys results Less student referrals- tracked by classroom Student participation, student surveys and student committee Parent survey September 2012 Monthly Parent involvement Parent/community letter and on website sent to all stakeholders outlining our school involvement plans for the school upcoming community outreach and volunteer opportunities Minimum of 3 community activities stakeholder/parent newsletter/website: updates, shout-outs, upcoming events and status reports Responsible: Administrati on Team Webmaster, teachers providing info, adm. assistant $300.00 for letter mailing costs Time Stakeholder volunteerism /awareness Keep communication open and current info updated Lack of or quality community outreach activities or lack of selected activities. Interventions: Brainstorm outreach activities with all stakeholders Follow through Intervention: reminders, on monthly calendar 3 or more activities planned and have good attendance Parent surveys/ feedback SABIN ACTION PLAN

4 Month 2012-13 Activities/StrategiesPersons(s) Responsible ResourcesOutcomesBarriers/ Interventions Evidence of Success Monthly September October November January February March April May PLC/TEAM review of progress/challenges Survey (during monthly PLC/TEAM meeting already scheduled) Principals in charge of PLC/Team PLC/TEAM Leaders Completed surveys w/ updates as needed Continued communication Follow throughFeedback, surveys May Staff PD Staff Action Plan Review review challenges/successes what worked/what didn’t recognitions brainstorm plans for next year principalsData from throughout the year Rewards/food $300.00 Team/staff building recognition Follow throughStaff surveys, feedback May Already scheduled Student Award Ceremonie s Action Plan Review Celebration Short Data review Recognition of exemplary PAWS student Recognition of parent volunteers (during already scheduled student awards ceremonies and/or end of the year music concerts) Principals PBIS Facilitator/ Committee Student committee Data from throughout the year Rewards/food %500.00 Stakeholder/community building School culture building recognition Attendance of at least 50% Follow through Intervention: advertising of event Feedback, stakeholder surveys SABIN ACTION PLAN

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