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INotice Coordinator Briefing 1. Welcome to iNotice Coordinator Briefing Heightened awareness of safe medication management for aged care community workers.

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Presentation on theme: "INotice Coordinator Briefing 1. Welcome to iNotice Coordinator Briefing Heightened awareness of safe medication management for aged care community workers."— Presentation transcript:

1 iNotice Coordinator Briefing 1

2 Welcome to iNotice Coordinator Briefing Heightened awareness of safe medication management for aged care community workers 2

3 iNotice Professional Development Program  About the program  The aims of the program 3

4 4 Key roles of client care Report, review and respond to information Optimum client outcomes Supporting independence Client wellness Risk management

5 5 Working with a heightened awareness of safe medication management Aged Care Community Workers NOTICETHINKREPORT

6 6 Working with a heightened awareness of safe medication management Coordinators RESPONDREVIEWRECEIVE

7 7 The iNotice app

8 8 RECEIVE Receiving information 1.Severe or life threatening symptoms - Emergency – Call 000 then inform coordinator Anything with multiple symptoms- call 000 2.Critical - report to coordinator immediately 3.Report to coordinator within 24 hours CCW reports event to coordinator according to iNotice app:

9 9 Reviewing information REVIEW Coordinator reviews information considering: 1.Level of reporting (1-3) 2. Sufficient detail about the event 3. Organisational policy and procedures 4. Identify any additional knowledge needed to make informed and appropriate response

10 10 Could medication be a factor? Is the client on medication? Consider the following: Has the client’s medications recently changed? Has the client been taking medications as prescribed? Are there other reasons that may be contributing to an adverse reaction?

11 11 RESPOND Responding to information 3. Completing Monthly Medication Monitor 2. Reviewing and updating care plan 1.Following organisational policy and procedures a. what protocols must be followed? b. Who else needs to be informed? Coordinator responds by: 4. Providing feedback to CCW and other stakeholders to capture quality improvement opportunities

12 12 Scenarios…

13 iNotice 13 You have completed the Coordinator Briefing for

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