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Humanistic Perspectives “Work ought to dignify rather than diminish the human spirit” George Cheney.

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Presentation on theme: "Humanistic Perspectives “Work ought to dignify rather than diminish the human spirit” George Cheney."— Presentation transcript:

1 Humanistic Perspectives “Work ought to dignify rather than diminish the human spirit” George Cheney

2 Human Relations Movement Hawthorne Studies – Western Electric Plant 1.Illumination studies 2.Relay Assembly Test Room Studies – determine influence of working conditions on productivity 3.Interviews – interviewees more interested in talking about personal feelings/attitudes 4.Bank Room Wiring Studies – how social groups exercise control over behavior

3 Implications Social/emotional needs of workers key variables Importance of employee feedback/upward cx Discovery of “informal organization” “Hawthorne effect” – tendency for people to alter behaviors when studied

4 Human Relations Promoted model of human behavior based on self-actualization (Maslow) Assumes employee’s major motivation is personal development and growth Goal of mgmt: focus on fulfilling needs of individuals; higher job satisfaction

5 Human Resources Model Based on idea that organizational effectiveness is a function of BOTH structure/design AND individual needs Motivation: tap potential (versus needs satisfaction) ClassicalProduction Oriented Human Relations People Oriented Human Resources Production & People oriented

6 Blake & Mouton’s Managerial Grid Concern for Production Concern for People High Low Country Club Management Team Management Middle-of-the-Road Management Impoverished Management Authority Compliance

7 ClassicalHuman Relations Human Resources Content of Cx TaskSocialTask, social, and innovation Cx DirectionVertical (downward) Vertical & Horizontal All directions, team based ChannelWrittenOften face-to- face All channels StyleFormalInformalBoth

8 Systems Theory Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1968) Metaphor – organism An organization is a living entity in an environment that can provide it with energy and to which it can return and output Principle of Interdepence – system parts are dependent on one another in the performance of organizational activity

9 System– Set of parts which interrelate to form a whole and work together to adapt to a changing environment. –Open systems – import and export material from and to the environment –Environment – entities outside of the system that are relevant to the survival of the system –Boundary – part of the system that separates it from its environment (permeable)

10 Cx – system binder; binds part of system together and binds the system to the environment –Boundary-spanners – move information across boundaries (adaptive function) Sales, customer service, PR, advertising –Maintenance function – provide flow of information among the sub-systems

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