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Simulating the mass spectrum of J/Ψ  and Upsilon Ingrid von Glehn Angus Comrie University of Cape Town Supervisor: Galina Shabratova Veksler and Baldin.

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Presentation on theme: "Simulating the mass spectrum of J/Ψ  and Upsilon Ingrid von Glehn Angus Comrie University of Cape Town Supervisor: Galina Shabratova Veksler and Baldin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simulating the mass spectrum of J/Ψ  and Upsilon Ingrid von Glehn Angus Comrie University of Cape Town Supervisor: Galina Shabratova Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics

2 ALICE ► Detector at LHC ► Studies heavy-ion collisions ► Large number of subdectectors ► UCT-CERN group focuses on Dimuon

3 MUON Detector

4 Grid Computing ► Large data volume from experiment ► Can be processed independently ► Split up tasks across processors in an organised fashion (tier model)‏ ► ALICE Grid (ALIEN)‏

5 J/Ψ  Suppression as a sign of QGP

6 Simulation ► ROOT: C++ interpreter and analysis package ► Pythia: Particle transport / event simulation ► AliROOT: Contains geometry of entire ALICE project

7 Simulating the mass spectrum of J/Ψ  and Upsilon  ► Generate events using Pythia, only consider dimuon decays ► Apply Gaussian smearing to angles and momentum of muon pair ► Smeared mass histogram

8 Results for J/Ψ  (1000 events)‏

9 Results for Upsilon (50000 events)‏

10 Background for charm pair ► More realistic situation, consider more decays ► Get an idea of what to expect ► Can look at particle code histogram to see major decays

11 Background for charm pair π0π0 π±π± strange mesons eg. K charmed mesons eg. D c,c μ±μ±

12 Background

13 ALICE Experiment ► Can compare simulated data with experimental data ► Can simulate different decay processes and see which agrees with experiment ► Comparison of theoretical models

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