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Resistive Transducers Sensors Used in Electronics.

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Presentation on theme: "Resistive Transducers Sensors Used in Electronics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resistive Transducers Sensors Used in Electronics

2 Key Ideas Resistive transducers are passive devices. They do not generate an electric current. Their resistance changes in response to a change in the environment. They are usually found in a potential divider circuit. When the resistance changes, the voltage balance changes. The processor detects the change.

3 Light Dependent Resistor You can see the CdS track. Its conductivity increases as more light falls on it. Be careful not to confuse the LDR with a photovoltaic cell which does generate electricity when light falls on it.

4 LDR in Circuits Here we see the LDR in a potential divider circuit. In this case Vout will go up as the light level goes up. The next slide shows the LDR in a circuit.


6 Thermistor Thermistors being used to detect high temperature in a power supply …and for a CPU in a computer

7 Thermistor in a Circuit The thermistor has a resistance that changes as the temperature changes. In a negative coefficient component, the resistance goes down as the temperature goes up. In a positive coefficient thermistor, the resistance goes up with temperature.

8 Thermistors The thermistor does not generate electricity with increased temperature. A thermocouple does. Don ’ t confuse the two! Thermistor Thermocouple

9 Potential Divider A simple but very useful circuit. Vout = Vin ×__R2__ R1 + R2 This applies when there is no load. If there is a load, treat it as a series and parallel resistor combination.

10 05/06/2016 Two simple components: 2) Thermistor – resistance DECREASES when temperature INCREASES 1) Light dependant resistor – resistance DECREASES when light intensity INCREASES Resistance Amount of light Resistance Temperature

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