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“Life isn't about the number of breaths we take, but the moments that take our breath away.” (Anonymous)

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Presentation on theme: "“Life isn't about the number of breaths we take, but the moments that take our breath away.” (Anonymous)"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Life isn't about the number of breaths we take, but the moments that take our breath away.” (Anonymous)

2 The National Curriculum states as one of its two core aims that each school should “aim to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.”

3 The issue relates to your own personal standpoint on the issue

4 Jon Westwood Wyche Deputy Head

5 Geoff Rutherford Wyche Headteacher

6 There are issues for those at both ends of the Spiritual Continuum

7 “Spirituality is not necessarily religious or even dependent on religion as its foundation” (Clive Simpkins)

8 As Jesus pointed out on more than one occasion, religion is often one of the biggest hindrances for those on a quest for true spirituality

9 Religious education is principally an academic subject and is the study of theology and of comparative religions

10 We don’t expect children who study elements of World War 2 in the History curriculum to imbibe Nazi philosophy

11 There is an important distinction that needs to be made between “knowing about God” and “knowing God”

12 In its statement of aims the National Curriculum makes a distinction between the “Spiritual” and the “Moral and Social” elements

13 A Spiritual Experience is one which opens the mind and the heart to a deeper understanding of oneself and one’s place in the cosmos and the world.

14 We touch spirituality when we encounter an experience on life’s journey that causes us to reflect on the deeper things of life, its meaning and our purpose within it, and as a consequence our lives are transformed






20 Viewed in this light the opportunities for spirituality seemed endless. Most occurring outside of the traditional assembly

21 “All National Curriculum subjects provide opportunities to promote pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.” (National Curriculum)

22 The Spiritual Room with a door marked “God”


24 Paul Finch has shared with the staff the concept of “Directive Silence”

25 “God made these” “If you believe in God what do the cobwebs tell you about God?” … and if you don’t believe in God, what do they tell you about the world we live in

26 Schools should “provide opportunities to promote pupils’ spiritual development” (The National Curriculum) Why would we not want to include a faith based spirituality?

27 Put statements put in the third person “some people feel that God helps them when they are in trouble”

28 “Some people think that the earth is flat” (Flat Earth Society)



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