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Welcome to Work-Based Learning Alice Mashburn Coordinator.

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1 Welcome to Work-Based Learning Alice Mashburn Coordinator

2 Work-Based Learning Work Based Learning Program (WBL) is an opportunity for students to explore career opportunities and gain experience while still in high school. Arrangements are made between a business/industry, school, and coordinator to release students during school hours for structured learning on the job site. Mentors and supervisors on the job work together with the Work-Based Learning Coordinator to assure a successful work-based experience.

3 Program Areas Available Agriculture Automotives Business Construction Criminal Justice Education Engineering & Technology Human Services Healthcare Others**

4 Student Benefits Relates school work to “real-life.” Increases motivation for school work. Opportunities to explore variety of possible careers. Hands-on training and experience. Gives a realistic view of specific career fields. Helps to develop workplace responsibility, positive attitudes and habits.

5 Attendance & Record Keeping Swipe (“Fob”) in or out daily. Must call Employer before absence. Notify early for planned absences (field trips, DR. appointments) Must call Ms. Mashburn by 7:45 a.m. if going to be absent. Student who are no shows to work without a call, or who attend work without attending school. First Offense - verbal/written warning Second Offense – referral to Assistant Principal which may result in early release privileges being revoked Third Offense - possible removal from the program Monthly Time/Wage Reports must be submitted.

6 Grading/Assessment Students are working independently and must be responsible for turning in assignments on time. Students will receive progress reports throughout semester. Formal Assessments Employer/Coordinator Evaluations 40% Daily Assessments Written Assignments & Projects 40% Work Ethics Time Sheets, Meeting Attendance, Other Activities 20% Final Career Portfolio will count as the Final Exam and be 20% of the overall average.

7 Syllabus Required Materials: 3-Ring Binder with Clear Front 4 Divider Tabs (for portfolio) Weekly Meetings: Every other Tuesday Required

8 Time Sheets/Work Hours 1 Block Out: Must clock 7.5 hours/week 2 Blocks Out: Must clock 15 hours/week 3 Blocks Out: Must clock 22.5 hours/week Monthly Time & Wage Report Sheet Fill out completely. Remember to include supervisor’s signature and copies of pay stubs.

9 Other Information Training Plans/Evaluations Customized for individual student. Done once per semester Employability Evaluations Twice per semester Other WBL Activities Rising Professionals Appreciation Activities

10 WBL Requirements Paperwork to be signed and returned: WBL Program Application (completed) Student Handbook Signature Page Training Agreement Termination Form Parent/Guardian Consent Field Trip and Emergency Medical Form Confidentiality Statement Grading Rubric Student Waivers

11 WBL Requirements Other Requirements:  Copy of Driver’s License  Copy of Car Insurance  Copy of Health Insurance  Work Permit Copy (if under 18 & getting paid)  Student Organization Dues Paid (by. January 31 st ) ▪ Related Career Technical Student Organization (examples: HOSA, SkillsUSA, FFA, FCCLA, FBLA, TSA)

12 Contact Me Alice Mashburn Office in Counseling Department 7340 Fairmount Highway SE Calhoun, GA 30701 Phone: 706-879-5141 706-602-0320 ext. 3022 Cell: 770-547-7497 Fax: 706-879-5148 E-mail:

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