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Human Body Systems. Respiratory System l Function: l Breathing brings air into the lungs and removes waste gases l Cellular respiration converts oxygen.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Body Systems. Respiratory System l Function: l Breathing brings air into the lungs and removes waste gases l Cellular respiration converts oxygen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Body Systems

2 Respiratory System l Function: l Breathing brings air into the lungs and removes waste gases l Cellular respiration converts oxygen and glucose to carbon dioxide, water and energy

3 Respiratory system Tiny air sacs called alveoli are where gas exchange occurs with the blood. Tiny air sacs called alveoli are where gas exchange occurs with the blood. l Provides the body’s organs and muscles with oxygen, and also to dispels carbon dioxide (cellular waste) from the body.

4 Diseases of respiratory system l Lung Cancer -3rd leading cause of death in men and women in the U.S. l Emphysema ( causes aveoli to enlarge) l Asthma (lung disorder)

5 Cardiovascular System l Coronary circulation is the flow of blood to and from the tissues of the heart. l Pulmonary circulation is the flow of blood through the heart, to the lungs, and back to the heart. l Oxygen rich blood is moved to all tissues and organs of the body and is called systemic circulation.

6 Organs of the circulatory system l Heart l Veins l Arteries l Capillaries

7 Fact l Your heart beats 60-70 times per minute. Each time it pumps 60 mL of blood. How many mL’s in 24 hours. l 5184000 mL’s or l 5184 liter bottles.

8 Excretory System l Includes many systems such as digestive, respiratory, skin and urinary system. l Each gets rid of waste in its own way.

9 Digestive System l Food and liquid in l Water and undigested food out

10 Urinary System l Water and salts in l Excess water, metabolic wastes and salts out. l Controls blood volume ( blood pressure) l Works in conjunction with hypothalmus to balance fluid levels in blood

11 Skeletal System l Skeletal system l Function: l Shape and support l Produces red blood cells l Stores minerals l Protect organs and soft tissue l At birth you 300 bones l As an adult 206 bones

12 Muscular System l Over 600 muscles in your body l Control movement l Voluntary muscles: you choose to move them l Involuntary: heart

13 Nervous System l Responds to stimuli to maintain homeostasis l Central nervous is your brain and spinal cord. l Peripheral nervous system is all the nerves other than the CNS

14 Brain l Three main parts: l Cerebrum l Cerebellum l Brain stem l You also have a left and right half

15 Endocrine System l Endocrine system made up of glands l Glands produce hormones l Hormones are chemicals that turn off, turn on or speed up, slow down the activities of organs and tissues

16 Immune System l Body has 3 lines of defense: skin, breathing passages, mouth and stomach. l Pathogens land on skin and most are destroyed by chemicals in oil and sweat.

17 Reproductive System l Sexual reproduction involves the production of eggs by the female and sperm by the male, which join together during fertilization. l Each sex cell (egg or sperm) contains half (23) of the chromosomes required. (46 for humans)

18 Spring 2009 1 Which system in a fish allows maximum oxygen intake through contact between the fish and its environment? A Respiratory system B Endocrine system C Reproductive system D Excretory system

19 Spring 2009 1 Which system in a fish allows maximum oxygen intake through contact between the fish and its environment? A Respiratory system B Endocrine system C Reproductive system D Excretory system

20 Spring 2009 12 The table above shows symptoms experienced by four patients. Which of these patients most likely has a problem with the excretory system? F Patient 1 G Patient 2 H Patient 3 J Patient 4

21 Spring 2009 12 The table above shows symptoms experienced by four patients. Which of these patients most likely has a problem with the excretory system? F Patient 1 G Patient 2 H Patient 3 J Patient 4

22 Spring 2009 41 The diagram above represents a reflex arc in a human. This pathway responds when someone touches something that causes pain, such as a hot stove. Which of the following shows the correct order of the body systems involved in this response? A Integumentary, respiratory, digestive B Circulatory, respiratory, nervous C Integumentary, nervous, muscular D Circulatory, digestive, nervous

23 Spring 2009 41 The diagram above represents a reflex arc in a human. This pathway responds when someone touches something that causes pain, such as a hot stove. Which of the following shows the correct order of the body systems involved in this response? A Integumentary, respiratory, digestive B Circulatory, respiratory, nervous C Integumentary, nervous, muscular D Circulatory, digestive, nervous

24 B.10A July 2004 B.10A July 2004 24

25 B.10A July 2004 B.10A July 2004 25

26 B.10A July 2004 26

27 B.10A July 2004 27

28 B.10A Feb 2006 28

29 B.10A Feb 2006 29

30 B.10A July 2006 30

31 B.10A July 2006 31

32 B.10B Spring 2003 32

33 B.10B Spring 2003 33

34 B.10B April 2004 34

35 B.10B April 2004 35

36 B.10B Fall 2005 36

37 B.10B Fall 2005 37

38 B.10B Oct 2005 38

39 B.10B Oct 2005 39

40 B.10B Feb 2006 40

41 B.10B Feb 2006 41

42 B.10B April 2006 42

43 B.10B April 2006 43

44 B.10B July 2006 44

45 B.10B July 2006 45

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