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IRIT Solid Modeler 3D MAP Lab. Joon-Kyung Seong. Course TA Name: Joon-Kyung Seong Office: 302, 315-2 Office Hours: Tue., Thu. 9:30-12:30 Class Homepage:

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Presentation on theme: "IRIT Solid Modeler 3D MAP Lab. Joon-Kyung Seong. Course TA Name: Joon-Kyung Seong Office: 302, 315-2 Office Hours: Tue., Thu. 9:30-12:30 Class Homepage:"— Presentation transcript:

1 IRIT Solid Modeler 3D MAP Lab. Joon-Kyung Seong

2 Course TA Name: Joon-Kyung Seong Office: 302, 315-2 Office Hours: Tue., Thu. 9:30-12:30 Class Homepage: nce/main.html

3 Contents Introduction Irit as a Script Language How to install? Irit as a CAGD Library How to implement? Enhancing the results VTK: Graphics Library

4 Introduction Free-form tools in CG and CAGD. Deals with Curves and Surfaces(Bezier or B-spline form) Provide mathematical basis and even some futuristic way of modeling and rendering the real world.

5 Generated by Sagi Schein, Israel

6 Introduction Irit as a solid modeler and as a CAGD library. Most powerful CAGD library in the world. Supports basic operations on the curves and surfaces. (symbolic operations or numeric methods) Developed by Prof. Gershon Elber. (Technion, Israel) Anim

7 How to install? 1. Get a source code 2. Compile the source code Unix : makeflag.unx Windows : makeflag.wnt  ‘ make ’, ‘ nmake ’ with ‘ -f ’ option 3. Set environments for IRIT set IRIT_PATH=c:/irit-sm/ntbin/ set IRIT_DISPLAY=wntgdrvs – s- set IRIT_BIN_IPC=1 4. Test Run irit (in DOS window). Type “ include( “ demo.irt ” ); ”

8 Special Linking to Emacs Emacs extension + E : execute one line + h : help on the command + s : command line Usage Install emacs Copy the file ‘ _emacs ’ to C:\

9 Irit as a script language You can model and render the real world with some amounts of work.

10 Irit as a script language Interpret command line by line. Grammar of the language is similar to C language. Example : teapot.irt Should refer user ’ s manual ( ml.index.html)

11 Irit as a script language Generate Animation easily.

12 Irit as a script language How to generate an animation in irit script? Create a animation curve Example: snake puzzle Animation with POV-Ray Generate a sequence of data files using irit Irit2pov Render using POV-Ray

13 Irit as a CAGD Library Supports almost every basic operations on the Free-form domain. Link and call the library in your C/C++ project. Programmer ’ s manual: ( ml)

14 Implementation Examples Simple Surface/Surface Intersection 3 equations in 4 variables Multivariate Solver in Irit

15 Implementation Examples (Ringed-Ringed Intersection)

16 Implementation Examples (Convex Hull)


18 Enhancing the Results Make a ps file Command : irit2ps ( dat  ps ) Enhancing reality : illustrt – simple line illustration filter Eg : illustrt – f 0 512 – l 0.01 – t 0.01 eg.mat eg.dat|irit2ps – d – 0.8 0.2 – u -> Make a rendered image Command : irender ( dat  ppm, rle ) Eg : irender – s 700 700 – M Flat – b 255 255 255 – A sync – i rle eg.mat eg.dat > eg.rle

19 VTK Object Oriented Language C++/Tcl Visualization Tookit

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