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© 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Dr Ram Niwas Professor & Head Dept of Agril. Meteorology CCS HAU Hisar CCS Haryana Agricultural.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Dr Ram Niwas Professor & Head Dept of Agril. Meteorology CCS HAU Hisar CCS Haryana Agricultural."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Dr Ram Niwas Professor & Head Dept of Agril. Meteorology CCS HAU Hisar CCS Haryana Agricultural University

2 AMFUs in Haryana AMFUs in Haryana  Western Zone (9 Districts) Hisar since 1991 Lat 29°10’N, Long 75°46’E Alt 215.2 m  Eastern Zone (12 Districts) Kaul since 2007 Lat 29°51’N, Long 76°40’E Alt 236.8 m

3 CCS Haryana Agricultural University District wise Agromet Advisory Bulletin

4 SMS Forecast from MC IMD AMFUs Agromet Advisory Bulletin IVRS Voice message Toll free 91.2 FM CCS HAU/ Dhamaal/Mantra/AIR Rohtak & Hisar Agri DeptFree SMS & Voice messages CCSHAU ATIC: Hisar-18001803001 Karnal-18001803111 Bawal- 18001804002 Free SMS Kisaan 9416995529 (Mobile Personal Contact: 9416995529 (Mobile) KVK: Chief Scientists KVKs at 19 districts Kisaan Club DD/PTC/MH1/TOTAL TV& Other channels

5 CCS Haryana Agricultural University Web based SMS Service E-mausam (Hindi and English)

6 CCS Haryana Agricultural University District Wise online Weather Based Agro Advisory Bulletin in English

7 CCS Haryana Agricultural University District Wise online Weather Based Agro Advisory Bulletin in Hindi

8 CCS Haryana Agricultural University Graph of Max and Min Day Temperature with the normal temperature of current month

9 CCS Haryana Agricultural University Graph of Max and Min Day Temperature with the normal temperature of past month

10 CCS Haryana Agricultural University District Wise online Weather Based Agro Advisory Bulletin in English and Hindi Online Weather Bulletin on daily basis and Local Weather Forecast

11 CCS Haryana Agricultural University District Wise online Weather Based Agro Advisory Bulletin in English and Hindi

12 Offering on-line and off-line registrations of farmers and other stakeholders of farming community Feedback from farmers and other stakeholders of farming community through webpage

13 CCS Haryana Agricultural University Districtwise SMS Alerts to the farmers on weather forecasting and agro- advisory with sender ID-CCSHAU

14  ID of Message: CCSHAU  मौसम (15-20 मई ) अगले दो दिनों कहीं कहीं हवायों के साथ बूंदाबांदी / हल्की बारिश परन्तु 17 मई से मौसम खुश्क व तापमान में बढ़ोतरी संभावित कपास नरमा की बिजाई मौसम साफ होने पर ही करें |  मौसम 30 मई तक मौसम खुश्क व तापमान में बढ़ोतरी परन्तु बीच - बीच में हल्के बादल संभावित कपास नरमा की बिजाई जल्दी पूरी करें | 31 मई या 1 जून को तेज हवायों के साथ कहीं कहीं बूंदाबांदी / हल्की बारिश होने की सम्भावना है |  मौसम 8 जून तक मौसम खुश्क व तापमान में बढ़ोतरी परन्तु बीच - बीच में हल्के बादल संभावित | नरमा की बिजाई जल्दी पूरी करें |  अगले दो - तीन दिन लू चलने व 12 जून रात्रि या 13 जून को धूलभरी हवायों के साथ कहीं कहीं बूंदाबांदी या हलकी बारिश संभावित नरमा कपास में निराई - गुड़ाई कर नमी बनायें रखें | हरा चारा व सब्जियों में हलकी सिंचाई करते रहें  मौसम (17-24 जून ) अगले तीन दिन तक तापमान बढ़ने, आंशिक बादल रहने तथा 21 जून रात्रि से 23 जून तक धूलभरी हवायों के साथ कहीं कहीं गरज चमक के साथ बूंदाबांदी या हलकी बारिश संभावित

15  Message in Hindi- 27715  Message in English-543 CCS Haryana Agricultural University Database of more than Ninety Five thousands of beneficiaries Weather SMS Service Launched on 21.03.2011

16 Web portal Kisaan - AMFUs Haryana SMS portal of AMFU, Hisar

17 Future Plan for Dissemination:  Kiosk Information at district HQ Bus Stand of Haryana state Weather updates Location specific Weather forecast Prediction of weather based pest & diseases incidence Crop specific information  Sowing Time  Varieties  Pest & Diseases  Remedies All weather & crop information at one place in Hindi & English Languages  IVRS System for farmers (Funds are available under ATMA & DST PURSE Scheme)

18  19 KVKs at Dist. HQ  Deputy Director Agricuture at Dist. HQ  BDOs at Block level  Farmers’ clubs & Association  Progressive farmers –Personal Contact  Farmers’ meetings  Farm visits  Kisaan Mela (March & Sept)  Farmers’ trainings and awareness under ATMA Project



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