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How many questions can you answer correctly??????.

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Presentation on theme: "How many questions can you answer correctly??????."— Presentation transcript:

1 How many questions can you answer correctly??????

2 I am an instrument used to measure wind speed. anemometer

3 In the carbon cycle, I add carbon to the atmosphere when I breathe out. I eat other plants and animals. Consumer

4 I am an instrument used to measure the amount of water vapor in the air, or humidity. Psychrometer

5 I am a scientist who studies and forecasts the weather. meteorologist

6 What is the average precipitation in July? 100 mm

7 What type of front is located over Alabama? cold front

8 The science of studying the weather is called….. meteorology

9 I am an instrument used to measure air pressure. barometer

10 What is the average temperature in March?

11 I show equal areas of pressure on a weather map. Isobars

12 I am an instrument that is launched into space to measure: clouds and cloud systems, city lights, fires, effects of pollution, auroras, sand and dust storms, snow cover, ice mapping, boundaries of ocean currents, energy flows, etc.,cloudsfires pollutionaurorassnow iceocean currentsenergy weather satellite

13 The prediction about the weather is called a…… weather forecast

14 The bars represent….. precipitation

15 In the carbon cycle, I use carbon dioxide to make food, or sugars, that I need for growth. A: producer

16 thermometer I am an instrument used to measure temperature.

17 The process by which plants use carbon dioxide to make food. A: photosynthesis

18 What type of pressure is located near the Great Lakes? A: High pressure (H)

19 I am formed from the dead remains of plants and animals. I am also used in cars and factories. A: fossil fuels

20 The term used to describe the burning of oil, natural gas and coal. A: combustion

21 What type of pressure is located near California? A: low pressure (L)

22 What are the white lines on the map called? A: isobars

23 What is this symbol called? A: station model

24 I am an instrument that locates, tracks and shows precipitation on a weather map. A: Doppler radar

25 In the carbon cycle, I break down dead organisms and return carbon back to the soil or water. I am bacteria or fungi. A: decomposer

26 The line with dots represents…… A: temperature

27 What type of front is located over southern California? A: cold front

28 The Carbon Cycle

29 What are narrow belts of high- speed winds that blow in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere called? jet streams

30 What can El Nino cause? a change in weather patterns

31 What is the area of low pressure around the equator called? doldrums

32 What is the latitude of the doldrums? 0º

33 What is the latitude of the horse latitudes? 30º latitude

34 I am a weather instrument used to measure the speed of the wind and also the direction. What am I? A wind sock

35 Which prevailing wind belt affects most of the United States? Westerlies

36 Which process causes winds in the Northern Hemisphere to curve to the right, and winds in the southern Hemisphere to curve to the left? the Coriolis Effect

37 Describe a land breeze. Land breeze: a local wind caused by cool air moving from the land towards water. Usually happens at night.

38 Describe a sea breeze. Sea breeze: a local wind caused by cool air moving from the sea towards the land. Usually happens during the day.

39 Describe a valley breeze. Valley breeze: a breeze created during the day when warm air from the valley moves upward

40 Describe a mountain breeze. Mountain breeze: a breeze created at night when cool air sinks from the mountain top into the valley below

41 How would you describe a maritime tropical air mass in regard to temperature and moisture content? warm, wet air

42 I am a weather instrument used to determine the direction of the wind. What am I? Weather vane

43 What are air masses that form over land ? continental

44 What are air masses that form over water? maritime

45 What are local winds? winds that generally move short distances and can blow from any direction

46 What is a cold front? a cold air mass meets and pushes a warm air mass out of its way

47 What is a thunderstorm? a small, intense weather system capable of producing strong winds, heavy rain, lightning, and thunder

48 What is a warm front? type of front begins with drizzly precipitation and is followed by warm, clear, sunny weather

49 What is humidity? the amount of water vapor in the air

50 What is influenced by fronts, local winds, and upper level atmospheric winds? Local weather

51 What is the boundary that forms when two different air masses meet? front

52 What type of weather is associated with a high pressure system? clear weather

53 What type of weather is associated with a low pressure system? cloudy weather

54 Which type of front forms when a warm air mass is trapped between two cold air masses and forced to rise? occluded front

55 Which type of front occurs when a warm air mass meets and pushes a cold air mass out of its way? warm front

56 What are isobars? lines that connect points of equal pressure

57 What is a weather forecast? a prediction of weather conditions over the next three to five days

58 What is the weather instrument that finds the location, movement, and intensity of precipitation? radar

59 What is the weather instrument that is used to provide images of the swirling clouds that you see on television weather reports? Infrared satellite

60 The water cycle plays a vital role in supporting life on Earth. Why is the Sun part of this cycle? It provides the energy to support the cycling of water.

61 What is condensation? the formation of clouds or moisture from cooling water vapor in the atmosphere

62 What is evaporation? the changing of liquid water to a gas as it returns to the atmosphere from the land and oceans

63 What is main effect of the water cycle on the Earth? It allows water to be reused.

64 What is precipitation? the movement of water from the atmosphere to the land and oceans

65 Fossil fuels—coal, oil, natural gas, etc.—are burned in what cycle? carbon cycle

66 How does carbon dioxide hurt the Earth? it helps increase the greenhouse effect which raises global temperatures

67 Producers take what gas from the environment that is a part of the carbon cycle? carbon dioxide

68 What are decomposers? organisms such as bacteria and fungi that break down dead organisms and return their carbon to the environment

69 What is decomposition? the breaking down of dead organisms

70 What is photosynthesis? the process plants use to take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and make energy

71 What is the main effect the carbon cycle has on the Earth? Life exists because carbon can be cycled within the Earth and the atmosphere.

72 What is the major effect of the carbon cycle? Life can exist because Carbon is a necessary component in every living cell. If carbon did not recycle, it would remain tied up in dead organisms.

73 What process in the carbon cycle returns carbon from dead organisms to the environment to be used again? decomposition

74 Where do fossil fuels originate? from buried remains of long-dead organisms

75 What is their main function? to be burned for energy

76 How would seasons be different if the Earth did not tilt on its axis? There would be no seasons

77 Describe the summer solstice. It is the day of the year when there are more hours of daylight than darkness. It is also the first day of summer, July 21.

78 During the winter months the polar regions of the Earth receive almost 24 hours of what? darkness

79 If the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing summer, then the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing what season? winter

80 What causes the seasons of the year? The tilting of the Earth on its axis to a maximum angle of 23.5°.

81 What is a year? The time it takes for the Earth to orbit the Sun.

82 What is the motion of the Earth orbiting the Sun? revolution

83 What is the motion of the Earth turning on its axis called? rotation

84 Why are the tropics warm and sunny year round? The tropics receive 12 hours of direct sunlight year round.









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