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Order of Presentation David – Intro and Fall Review Matt – Testing and Summary of Changes Josiah – Details on New Design Josh – Electrical Hardware Ona.

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Presentation on theme: "Order of Presentation David – Intro and Fall Review Matt – Testing and Summary of Changes Josiah – Details on New Design Josh – Electrical Hardware Ona."— Presentation transcript:


2 Order of Presentation David – Intro and Fall Review Matt – Testing and Summary of Changes Josiah – Details on New Design Josh – Electrical Hardware Ona – Electrical Software / Optimization TJ – Progress Summary / Future Work

3 Outline Summary – Fall (David) Review of Competition (missions, specs, etc.) Old Design Midpoint Review Design Changes Mission 2 payload configuration Testing Prop data received from APC Various propellers / throttle settings Throw Test conclusions Electronics Configuration HPMI Future Work Fabrication testing CFD

4 Project Overview Develop a UAV which will satisfy the AIAA Design/Build/Fly Competition mission profile. Competition Details Location: Tucson, AZ Date: April 15-17, 2011 Major requirements: Hand launched Fixed wing Electric powered (NiCad or NiMH batteries) Propeller driven Must be contain within a carry on bag Max propulsion battery of ¾ lbs. Max current draw of 20 amps

5 Mission Profile Mission 1: Dash to Critical Target 4 minutes without payload to fly around course Scoring equation: Mission 2: Ammo Re-supply Steel bar payload completing 3 laps around course Scoring equation: Mission 3: Medical supply Mission Golf balls payload completing 3 laps around course Scoring equation:

6 Last System Design

7 Current Design

8 Aircraft Changes Fairings added Changed to 12x10 propeller FAQ development “For mission 2 it [Steel Bar] must be “installed” in the aircraft, and the aircraft must be in the case.”

9 Bulkhead cutout changed Allows storage of steel bar within fuselage Steel Bar c

10 Throw Testing-Derive initial launch velocity

11 Continued Propulsions Testing APC supplies vital propeller data Maybe insert picture of Matts mission model with all curves? Interpolated thrust data combined with all other calculable aircraft data

12 Continued Propulsions Testing Crude 12 cell battery pack provides 14.4 volts Allows for higher thrust for shorter period of time

13 New Mission Model 1)Hand Launch (100%) 2)Acceleration (100%) 3)Turn 1 (90%) 4)Cruise (75%) 5) 360 Degree Loop (90%) 6)Cruise (75%) 7)Turn 2 (90%) 8)Landing (50%) #) Phase (Throttle Setting)

14 Electronics & Controls – new selected controller Main selections -Aurora 9 Tx and 0ptima 7 Rx -All channel fail safe maneuver Safety Manuever - Kill Throttle -Roll Right -Yaw Right -Nose Up

15 Fabrication Foam CuttingLaser Cutting Bulkheads

16 Prototype Model Assembly Payload bay mockup

17 Fabrication at HPMI Foam core attempt 1 - FailureFoam core attempt 2 - Success

18 Work in Progress Fabrication of First Prototype End of this week Power System Simulink Simulation CFD of Prototype Report Compilation End of this week

19 Future Work Subsystem testing Flight Testing Design Optimization Finalize Report and submission February 28

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