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Formation of the Modern Middle East The Middle East After 1919 What has happened to the ‘sick man of Europe?”

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1 Formation of the Modern Middle East The Middle East After 1919 What has happened to the ‘sick man of Europe?”

2 The Middle East in WWI: The Ottoman Empire  Ottomans Turks fought with Germany and Austria Hungary --- against Russia to the north and influence of Great Britain and France.  Challenge British control of the Suez Canal & their African colonies.  Sought to regain territory lost to nationalist groups in the Balkans [Serbia, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Montenegro & Croatia.]

3 Ottoman Empire 1915-1918  Ottomans have initial success in defeating British at Gallipoli and Russia to the north to keep Russia from controlling Black Sea.

4 Problems encountered by the Ottoman Empire 1915-1918  Outgunned  Undermanned  Industry couldn’t keep up  Eventually defeated by British and Russian invasions into modern day Iraq.  Conflict with Arab tribes.

5 Ottoman Empire-Collapse 1919-1922  Great Britain and Arabs tribes eventually defeat the Ottomans.  Empire is dissolved by British at end of war.  Ottoman Empire NOT mentioned in Versailles Treaty but Great Britain gains jurisdiction or control over territory.  Lands are partitioned (divided) among British and French.  Nationalist groups want independence (those that were friendly to England were put in charge.)  Turkey gains independence in 1922. Mustafa Kamal - Ataturk comes to power.

6 Middle East as of 1922: British & French partition or divide up Ottoman Empire rewarding allies but not considering ethnic or religious differences.

7 Problems with the division of the Middle East  Many Nationalist groups not granted independence [i.e. Kurds].  Boundaries are drawn indiscriminately *No attention paid to tribal lands* Result: Arabs are distrustful of European powers especially the British. British rule over all aspects of the Middle East. France meanwhile maintains its colonies in Africa. G. Britain & France gain control of Germany’s former African colonies.

8 Oil and the Middle East First discovered in Persia (Iran) in 1908. Turkish-Petroleum Co. [TPC] founded in 1911 - drill for oil in Mosul, Mesopotamia (Iraq). Britain signed a secret agreement with the sheikh of Kuwait who, while outwardly pledging allegiance to the Ottoman Sultan in Istanbul, promised exclusive oil rights to the British. Kuwait became a British protectorate in November, 1914. In 1927, oil was struck in Kirkuk, Iraq, and the Iraq Petroleum Co. [IPC] was created.

9 Oil and the Middle East American oil companies [Texaco & Chevron], gain oil concessions in Bahrain in 1929. In 1933, American oil companies win an oil concession in Saudi Arabia. ARAMCO [Arab-American Oil Co,] is created in 1939. US had technology and expertise Middle Eastern countries did not.


11 The Middle East between the World Wars Notice what is happening between independent nations in yellow, French controlled areas in green and British controlled areas in purple.

12 Middle East during WW2  Germans wanted British and French colonies in North Africa including the Suez Canal in order to gain access to Arabian oil fields.  Germans offered full independence to Middle East and African states if they supported Axis cause. –Some political and religious leaders supported Germans in order to gain independence from British and French.


14 Middle East Post WW2  Independence is granted to many states [same issues arise in Africa with tribal loyalties, nationalism and who did and did not supported the British or French.]  Cold War begins and both sides [Soviets vs US] try to gain power and influence in the region.  The state of Israel is formed by a British Mandate (with support of the UN & US) in 1948. -large Jewish populations of Europe leave to go back to Zionist homeland in Palestine.


16 Jewish Land Ownership in 1947--- How does this translate to land distribution in Two-State Plan?

17 The Two State Solution?

18 What were the problems of the UN Two- State Solution?  The way the plan laid out land, both Palestinians and Israeli land was fragmented and did not form a united land area.  Muslim Palestinians did not want to give up land including water rich aquifers, the Jordan River area and especially the city of Jerusalem with the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque.  Israelis did not want to give up the Temple Mount, Jerusalem and rich farm lands.

19 How did land ownership shift from 1880 on the left to the present on the right? The light shading is Arab/Palestinian ownership of land and the dark is Jewish ownership of land. Who has gained and who has lost territory? 1880 1947 Present 1968

20 Arab Reaction & the Cold War  US and Western powers support Israel.  USSR tries to influence Arab countries  Several Regional conflicts break out: ---Arab Israel War of 1948=Israel wins ---1956-57 Suez Crisis =Israel wins ---1967 Six Day War=Israel wins ---1973 Yom Kippur War=Israel wins --1982 Israel Invasion of Lebanon ---mid- to late 1980s Intifada, Hamas and Hezbollah [conflict in Gaza Strip & West Bank] Israel holds its independence to this day (extreme Anti-Israeli stance in many Middle East countries).

21 1967 Six Day War: Israel captures Sinai and threatens Suez Canal

22 Israel gained control of the Golan Heights, Gaza Strip and the West Bank,


24 Elsewhere Iran:  1950s saw US-backed coup d'état placing pro-US Shah on thrown of Iran.  1979: Shah overthrown by Iranian Guard forces led by fundamentalist clerics forming a Shia theocracy led by Ayatollah Khomeini.  US Embassy occupied for 14 months before 66 hostages were release.  Mistrust and tension continues over Iran’ s nuclear plans.

25 Storming of US Embassy – November 4, 1979

26 Elsewhere Iraq:  1960s Baath Socialist Party takes control of Iraq forming a secular government.  Late 1970s: Saddam Hussein takes control and works with Shah of Iran to expel Shia clerics from Iraq.  1980-1988 after Ayatollah Khomeini forms theocracy in Iran, Iraq launches war.  1990-91 Iraq invades Kuwait = First Gulf War  1998 Operation Desert Storm fought to secure Weapons of Mass Destruction  2003 -2011 Nation / State Building

27 Elsewhere Afghanistan:  1970s- invaded by Soviet Union  US-backed muhajaden fight against Soviets.  After Soviet Collapse in 1991,Taliban establishes government  2001 War in Afghanistan to capture Osama bin Laden after terrorist attack of 9/11.

28 Elsewhere Saudi Arabia:  Most people have higher standard of living than nations with limited petroleum resources due to financial benefits from government.  Little-to-no political freedom or social reforms.  Lack of women’s rights or equal education in Islamic nation.

29 RESULTS:  US is last major super power left after 1991 with a great interest in the Middle East.  Middle Eastern countries have felt like pawns of the western powers since the early 20th century.  Fundamentalism resulting in anti-American, anti- Western, and anti-Israeli thought common in many places.  Continued conflict between Israel and Palestinians.  Religious conflicts increase between Sunni and Shia factions within nations.  Rise of ISIS [Islamic State in Iraq and Syria]

30 The Levant is the historic name given to the entire region east of the Mediterranean from Egypt, east to Iran and to Turkey. U.S. officials use ISIL instead of ISIS to emphasize the group's goal to expand its influence beyond the borders of Syria and Iraq.--- What has happened to the ‘sick man of Europe?”

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