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Historical Background of the Iroquois A Union of five The Iroquois (Haudenosacnee) was a union between tribes The Iroquois were originally made up of.

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Presentation on theme: "Historical Background of the Iroquois A Union of five The Iroquois (Haudenosacnee) was a union between tribes The Iroquois were originally made up of."— Presentation transcript:


2 Historical Background of the Iroquois

3 A Union of five The Iroquois (Haudenosacnee) was a union between tribes The Iroquois were originally made up of five tribes These tribes were the Caguga, Mohawk, Onedia, Onodaga, and the Seneca

4 A sixth tribe A sixth tribe, the Tuscarora joined the Iroquois to make it six tribes The Iroquois was formed before European contact The Iroquois had a consitution known as Gayunashagowa (The Great Peace)


6 Spirits Had a concept that life is a struggle between Good and Evil Believed that spirits animated all of nature and caused the seasons to change Festivals happened during important parts of the year (harvesting, planting,etc...)

7 Gods themselves The Iroquois had many Deities Hahgwohdiyu (Creator God) Yosheka (Creator God) Athahensic (Sky Goddess) out of her corpse grew the gift of humans. Represents: pregnancy, fertility, feminine skills Onatha (Patron of Farmers) Represents: fertility of soil, harvesting Tarhuhgiaawhku (Giant who held up the Sky)

8 Culture

9 How things were The Iroquois laws were decided by a Council of Chiefs Council worked in a democracy Spoke the Wendat language


11 Housing They Lived in Longhouses Longhouses sometimes were over 100 meters long and 5-7 meters wide Longhouse were made to hold extended families Held 20 or more families per longhouse

12 Travel Walked, Jogged, Ran, Swam anything using there two legs Preferred to traveled in water with Dugout canoes


14 How things were run The women owned the soil and the land Men and women followed the status of their mother Clan Mothers and their sisters selected Chiefs and removed them


16 What they said No written language Spoke the Wendat Language Susquehannock Tadadaho Deganawidah Onayotekaono Guyohkohnyoh Onondowahgah Ska-Ruh-Reh Kanien'kéhaka Onundagaono


18 What they wore Raw Hide (Before European contact) Combination of raw hide and European garb actual fashion changed from person to person


20 Wikipedia Books Five/Six nations map Sky Women Nature Spirit Totems Iroquois Flag Council of Chiefs Longhouse Dugout Canoe Family Clothes Iroquois Clothes

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