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Oracle’s Enterprise Manager Wan Chan ISM 158 4-27-2010.

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1 Oracle’s Enterprise Manager Wan Chan ISM 158 4-27-2010

2 Introduction  Oracle launched newest system management software platform Enterprise Manager 11g  Will help companies configure, update and troubleshoot all the disparate software and hardware pieces from one dashboard  EM 11g has “full-stack” management capabilities

3 Competition  EM competes with families of management products from “Big Four”: IBM, Hewlett-Packard, CA, and BMC  Oracle trying to broaden EM’s appeal among non-Oracle shops and position it as adaptable for heterogeneous environments  Announced that partners built additional plug-ins for EM  But did not downplay that EM, while open to other vendors’ products, works best with Oracle’s own products

4 Product Pros and Details  Focused on best experience  All-seeing eye that closely monitors customers’ IT infrastructure  Platform’s capabilities in three categories: “business-driven application management,” “integrated application-to-disk management,” and “integrated systems management and support.”

5 Product Pros and Details  First refers to features like ability to track and analyze how well applications are working for end- users  Second provides management of Oracle’s technology stack, including Fusion Middleware  Third is an integration with Oracle’s support services portal

6 Resistance  It’s one thing to lay out a vision and another to convince a customer to fulfill it says analyst  Oracle’s pitch makes for elegant and compelling slideware but it is likely to encounter significant grassroots resitance in the marketplace  It represents a radical reintegration of functions and tools that have been highly fragmented and distributed in the last 25 years

7 Conclusion  Oracle hopes that combined the tight economy and pressures to do more with less, CIOs will mandate full-stack integration  It could be difficult for Oracle to make headway in the market for generalized IT management platforms, but it will take on the challenge from a different angle  Analyst says he’s not sure if enterprise buyers are into the full- stack thing as much as the vendors might be

8 Sources  ons/oracle-unveils-enterprise- manager-11g-586 ons/oracle-unveils-enterprise- manager-11g-586  ures/oracle/article.php/3878106/Oracl e-Unveils-Enterprise-Manager- 11g.htm

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