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Entity Framework Code First – Beyond the Basics Sergey Barskiy, Magenic Microsoft MVP – Data Platform Principal Consultant.

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Presentation on theme: "Entity Framework Code First – Beyond the Basics Sergey Barskiy, Magenic Microsoft MVP – Data Platform Principal Consultant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Entity Framework Code First – Beyond the Basics Sergey Barskiy, Magenic Microsoft MVP – Data Platform Principal Consultant

2 Entity Framework Code First Entity Framework in Microsoft’s ORM Tool Has been out since 2008 Code First has been out since 2011

3 Handling Schema Changes Code First Migrations Create database Maintain schema Command line migrations Custom Migrations Using 3 rd Party tooling

4 Code First Migrations Enable automatic migrations Update-Database – Has to be run to create database Add-Migration – Add manual migration – Up / Down methods – Supplying default values for non-nullable columns MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion

5 Code First Migrations DbMigration API – Index – Rename Update-Database –TargetMigration: (can be used to rollback) Migrate.exe Create script

6 Performance Caching Context Web environments CRUD Efficiencies – Update – Delete – Insert – Select When used in services, disable – Lazy Loading – Proxy Creation

7 Performance Auto Compiled Queries (v5), etc… View generation – power-tools-beta-2-available.aspx power-tools-beta-2-available.aspx Lazy vs. Eager Loading White Paper us/data/hh949853 us/data/hh949853 Upgrade server to.NET 4.5 to take advantage

8 DbEntityEntry State Current, Original, Database values ComplexProperty Entity Reload GetValidationResult Access to see if a scalar property was modified (requires all properties to be virtual)

9 Organizing the Model Hierarchies Table per hierarchy Types in an inheritance hierarchy are mapped to a single table. A condition clause is used to define the entity types Table per type Types are all mapped to individual tables. Properties that belong solely to a base type or derived type are stored in a table that maps to that type Table per concrete type Non-abstract types are each mapped to an individual table. Each of these tables must have columns that map to all of the properties of the derived type, including the properties inherited from the base type

10 Organizing the Model Complex Types A complex type is a non-scalar property of an entity type that does not have a key property. A complex type can contain other nested complex types. Entity Splitting Properties from a single entity in the conceptual model are mapped to columns in two or more underlying tables. Excluding Types and Properties Properties and/or classes are excluded from storage. Explicit Mapping of Types and Properties

11 Relationships All are supported One-to-one needs explicit configuration Cascading deletes

12 More… Working with Views and Stored Procedures

13 More… Create your own repository Create/Update/Delete Select Conventions – Creating your own conventions – V6 Preview

14 RDBMS Providers Available providers DevArt DataDirect Oracle MySQL.etc… Mileage may vary

15 Contact Info

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