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Student Organization Funding: Club Sports and Non-Club Sports Training for Fall 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Organization Funding: Club Sports and Non-Club Sports Training for Fall 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Organization Funding: Club Sports and Non-Club Sports Training for Fall 2015

2 What is SOF?  Student Organization Funding (SOF)  Each semester students pay $30 through the Student Activity Fee (SAF)  30% of the SAF is used for SOF  All good standing, recognized organizations may apply for SOF  This is submitted and reviewed by the SOF Committee  All this and more is available online at

3 SOF Committee  Chair, Executive Vice President (EVP)–Aliya Manjee  Committee Members  Ted Eberle, Financial Vice President  Anya Stucky, MUSG Program Board Representative  Alex Miller, Senator  Julie West, Advisor  Best person to contact about questions about SOF?  Contact: Executive Vice President at:

4 Important Dates  October 10 th : Primary Funding deadline for Spring 2016 Semester Events  Both Club and Non-Club Sports  For events from August 31 st to December 12 th  August 31 st : Fall Spot Funding Begins

5 New Policies and Practices for SOF  MANDATORY SOF Trainings  Two Primary Funding Periods  Spot Funding  What we can and cannot fund  Criteria

6 Two Primary Funding Periods  April: For Fall Events  October: For Spring Events  Annual Events should be funded through bulk funding  Are currently planning  Incentives those who have already planned…more funding available!  Does not de-incentive those who have not because of spot funding  Submit budget to SOF. May use SOF provided template..this is MANDATORY!

7 Spot Funding: How it works and What we recommend  Rolling base funding period that occurs over a semester  Usages  Small scale non-forseen events  Tournaments or conference you recently placed in  Other events that you were unable to qualify funding for in the previous semester  Not used for (what we recommend)  Large scale events  Events you do annually  Spot funding follows the MUSG Financial Policy and SOF Handbook

8 Spot Funding: How it works and What we recommend  Spot funding applications are due every TUESDAY at 7PM.  Applications reopen Wednesday at 10AM  Notification of allocation will occur within 10 business days.

9 Governing Document: What we Can & Cannot Fund Can Fund  NEW: Capital Goods related to organization’s purpose and/or mission  Is this needed to function as an organization?  If you do not have this capital good will this prohibit your organization from achieving their goals?  Service Trips and Tournament Travel expenses ($0.555 per mile for gas)  Free and open events to ALL students  Food  University Expenses  Conference registration and tournament fees  Publicity Cannot Fund  Operating expenses that only relate your organization  Ex: national dues, website fees  Recurring Events  Charitable Events  Fundraising Events  Non-current expenses (events occurring outside of the period)  Conference travel expenses  Any other type of travel expenses  Events that charge fees/money to full-time undergraduate students  Miscellaneous expenses **MUSG does not guarantee financial support

10 SOF Handbook

11 University Vendors  Use of these vendors will be able to bill MUSG directly. This can be for event items or capital good.  Highly recommended not required  Usage of vendor does not guarantee funding  QUOTE/INVOICE IS STILL NECESSARY IN APPLICATION.  List of University approved vendors can be found on:

12 Upfront Cost versus Reimbursements  Upfront Costs  University Expenses payable by MUSG directly  Sodexo/Catering  AMU Tech  DPS  Linen/Event management  Publicity  Reimbursements  paid by your organization and then reimburse by MUSG  Travel expenses  Not using university expenses  Anything not provided by Marquette

13 Applying and Criteria  Apply via  MUSG  Forms  Link also found on  Before and During applying, follow the criteria to ensure you have a greater chance of receiving funding

14 On Campus Events Criteria Should be done BEFORE you apply Required Attributes for Non Club Sports (On Campus Events):  Open and Free to all full-time undergraduate Marquette Students*  Complete Application*  If a field is missing, the EVP will email your contact and they will then have 48 hours for BULK funding  Complies with the Financial Policies of MUSG*  Attended SOF Training* Make sure your application states these things Attributes for Non-Club Sports (On Campus Events):  Benefit to Marquette Community  Fully Planned Events  Outreach and Publicity Strategy to Marquette Community  Organization Contributing to Monetary Expenses

15 On Campus Events: Benefit to Marquette Community  how well these events benefit the campus community while advancing Marquette’s mission and guiding values.  social events and entertainment opportunities can fulfill this criterion just as much as a speaker, forum, or service event would.  Does this event provide students with a unique opportunity?  Does this event introduce students to a culture or ideology that they may have never encountered before?  Does this event provide students with professional development opportunities?  Does this event encourage students to consider differing viewpoints of a topic, culture, or issue?  Does this event provide students with an entertainment opportunity?  Does this event provide students with a service opportunity?  Does this event provide an alcohol alternative?  Does this event provide students a chance to escape from the stresses of academic life?

16 On Campus Event: Fully Planned Event  A set date and time  A set or pending location  EVENTS MANAGEMENT  Considered the cost, supplies, and planning needed for the event to be successful.  While it is not required, events that have already received approval by the Office of Student Development (OSD) are more likely to receive funding as long as the request complies with the Financial Polices of MUSG.  The committee cannot fund events that have been denied approval by OSD.  Has the organization at least submitted an event request to OSD?  Is there a set or pending location?  Does the timing of the event conflict with another major event on campus impeding the likelihood of attendance?  Has the organization considered all the costs associated with the event and included them in the application?  Has the organization contacted Events Management yet?  If it is an outdoor event, does the organization have a backup plan should weather be an issue?  If the event is off-campus, is there at least a preliminary plan in place for travel arrangements?

17 On-Campus Events: Outreach and Publicity Strategy  Event publicity is required as a part of the funding process.  Events should have adequate outreach and marketing strategy in order to promote awareness and attendance of the event.  The committee will expect a more comprehensive strategy for larger- scale events.  Possible strategies include printed and electronic publicity, marketing, and social media promotions that would aid in attendance, accessibility to students, and success of the event.

18 On Campus Event: Organization Contributing to Monetary Expenses  For some events or items  Based on the financial history or financial self-sufficiency of the student organization as well as the overall amount requested.  If the organization is self-sufficient (i.e. the organization has enough money in its budget to pay for the event without the help of MUSG), the committee will take into consideration the monetary contribution of the student organization  The committee also accounts for organizations that are not self-sufficient and takes into account the financial history, yearly expenses, and fundraising efforts of the organization.

19 On Campus Event: Organization Contributing to Monetary Expenses  Does the organization have enough money in their account to cover the cost of the event or capital good without funding from MUSG? If so, what other costs does the organization have that are preventing it from paying for the event on their own?  Has the organization engaged in any fundraising efforts to help offset the cost of the event or capital good? If not, why?  If the organization only received partial funding for the event or capital good, will it impeded their ability to host the event or purchase the capital good?  Does the organization make regular funding requests of MUSG? Does it appear that the organization has become dependent on SOF?

20 Off-Campus Events Criteria Should be done BEFORE you apply Required Attributes for Non Club Sports (On Campus Events):  Open and Free to all full-time undergraduate Marquette Students*  Complete Application*  If a field is missing, the EVP will email your contact and they will then have 48 hours  Complies with the Financial Policies of MUSG*  Attended SOF Training* Make sure your application states these things Attributes for Non-Club Sports (On Campus Events):  Benefit to Marquette Community  Organization Contributing to Monetary Expenses  ONLY FOR OFF CAMPUS: Monetary Cost per Student Attending/Participating

21 Off-Campus Event: Monetary Cost Per Student Attending/Participating  The committee may take into consideration the cost per student for the event.  This may result in reduced funding or denial of funding  Depends on:  The event itself  How well the event meets the other criteria  The nature of the event allows more students to attend than initially planned.  Does the event provide a sufficient number of students an opportunity to participate given the overall cost?  If MUSG does not grant the funding request, will it put a significant cost burden on participants?

22 Capital Goods Criteria Should be done BEFORE you apply Required Attributes for Non Club Sports (On Campus Events):  Complete Application*  If a field is missing, the EVP will email your contact and they will then have 48 hours  Complies with the Financial Policies of MUSG* Make sure your application states these things Attributes for Non-Club Sports (On Campus Events):  ONLY FOR CAPITAL GOODS: Serves the Organization’s Purpose and/or Mission  Organization Contributing to Monetary Expenses

23 Capital Goods: Serves the Organization’s Purpose and/or Mission  Based on the benefit/value that the capital good has to the organization  Whether the capital good only serves the student organization’s purpose or mission  The definition of a Capital Good can be found in the Financial Policies Section I.  Does the organization need the capital good they are seeking in order to function as an organization? If not, will not having this capital good prohibit it from achieving organizational goals that are part of its stated mission?

24 Reimbursements & Upfront Cost  All organizations have 30 days after the event  Form found at  Confused about what to fill out? Come to the Finance Department!  Must Have:  Form  Receipts  Publicity  Make sure all publicity has the “Supported by MUSG” logo on it!  Found on website Questions? Email Financial Vice-President at

25 Appeals  One week after receiving notification  Located on  Same location as SOF  What the Appeal Committee can based judgment on:  MUSG deemed the application insufficient  The SOF committee was inconsistent or arbitrary  The committee did not follow its stated application procedures and policies

26 Notes About the Application  You can never put down too little  The committee does not guess for you. Best to assume ignorance on the part of the committee  Ask for help before the deadline. Email  SOF workshops will be held in the MUSG office October 5 th -9 th  Times will be provided soon!  Explain your event in detail  Explain expenses in detail 

27 Questions?

28 Questions? Email MUSG Executive VP at

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