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Expanding the AHUC Tax Definition Presented to the Coast Life Support District Board of Directors 19 September 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Expanding the AHUC Tax Definition Presented to the Coast Life Support District Board of Directors 19 September 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expanding the AHUC Tax Definition Presented to the Coast Life Support District Board of Directors 19 September 2011

2 2 The Question Should CLSD place a ballot measure before the voters asking to remove the “After-Hours” restriction on spending After Hours Urgent Care tax funds?

3 3 Background Community Healthcare Working Group CHWG formed in 2009 to explore 24/7 Urgent Care –Exploring two primary options Community Hospital with 24/7 Emergency Room Stand-alone Urgent Care Center –Any option will involve partnership with a major medical center AHUC Taxes currently supporting –Exploration of alternatives –After-hours medical advice telephone service –Building a start-up fund for new services or partnership

4 4 Background Current State of Urgent Care RCMS is sole local urgent care provider Current RCMS urgent care services –Mon-Fri 8am to 6pm –Annual cost $725K –Medicare and Medi-Cal cover only 60% –Federal and state funding support recently eliminated –Annual losses $325K Daytime urgent care services are now financially unsustainable

5 5 Tax Committee Proposal Support daytime urgent care at RCMS with tax funds –$150K/yr available from current AHUC tax rates RCMS Commitment –Raise a minimum of $170K annually through fundraising –Diligently seek grant funding Re-define AHUC tax constraints through election –Eliminate “After-hours” restriction –Requires only simple majority of votes cast

6 6 Recommendation CLSD commits to Spring 2012 election –Re-define AHUC tax measure constraints RCMS commits to making UC fundraising first priority CLSD-RCMS develop contract –Scope of services –Quality Assurance Implement 01 July 2012

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