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Show images on digital camera, select one and click open with… Photoshop. Camera Photos:

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Presentation on theme: "Show images on digital camera, select one and click open with… Photoshop. Camera Photos:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Show images on digital camera, select one and click open with… Photoshop. Camera Photos:

2 Photoshop CS File | Edit | Image | Layer | Select | Filter … The Picture. Once the image is in Photoshop select all, then copy and paste “background” to create new layer.

3 Photoshop CS File | Edit | Image | Layer | Select | Filter … The Picture. The new layer should appear in the layers box here, rename layer via layer properties (right click). layers

4 Photoshop CS File | Edit | Image | Layer | Select | Filter … The Picture. Once the new layer has been created, chop out the background using the magic wand tool.

5 Photoshop CS File | Edit | Image | Layer | Select | Filter … The Picture. Create a new background layer incorporating the gradient tool effect and place behind the image of the character. layers

6 Photoshop CS File | Edit | Image | Layer | Select | Filter … The Picture. Sign off the presentation.

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