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Peter J. LaPuma1 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved This is powder diffraction!

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Presentation on theme: "Peter J. LaPuma1 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved This is powder diffraction!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Peter J. LaPuma1 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved This is powder diffraction!

2 Peter J. LaPuma2 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved This is powder diffraction!!!!

3 Peter J. LaPuma3 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved D8 DISCOVER WITH GADDS Powders Texture Micro-diffraction Stress SAXS Speed Versatility Power Precision Accuracy

4 Peter J. LaPuma4 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Single Crystal Diffraction

5 Peter J. LaPuma5 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved 2-D Single crystal data

6 Peter J. LaPuma6 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Micro-Diffraction

7 Peter J. LaPuma7 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved 2-D Micro-diffraction data

8 Peter J. LaPuma8 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Diffraction of textured materials

9 Peter J. LaPuma9 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved 2-D Texture data

10 Peter J. LaPuma10 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Powder Diffraction

11 Peter J. LaPuma11 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Powder diffraction data

12 Peter J. LaPuma12 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved General Area Detector Diffraction Solution 2-D position sensitive detector Collects data from the entire Debye ring without moving True Photon counter 200 micron spatial resolution Variable detector distances 50 - 300 mm for resolution or intensity

13 Peter J. LaPuma13 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Point detector vs. area detector

14 Peter J. LaPuma14 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Point detector vs. area detector

15 Peter J. LaPuma15 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Point detector vs. area detector

16 Peter J. LaPuma16 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Point detector vs. area detector

17 Peter J. LaPuma17 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved D8 DISCOVER with GADDS Real and useable intensity data from preferentially oriented samples Single crystal, textured, and non-textured materials can be collected simultaneously in minutes Small sample amounts can be measured quickly with real intensities Large quantities of data and information with little or no sample movement

18 Peter J. LaPuma18 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved D8 Discover with GADDS - Applications Powder diffraction Texture Stress Micro-diffraction SAXS

19 Peter J. LaPuma19 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Basic Configuration - Beam Path

20 Peter J. LaPuma20 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved D8 DISCOVER with GADDS Basic Configuration

21 Peter J. LaPuma21 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Powder Diffraction Analyze 70 deg. of 2 theta without moving the detector Collect full patterns in seconds Intensity integration removes preferred orientation effects Integration converts data into 2theta vs. intensity Phase ID from small sample amounts

22 Peter J. LaPuma22 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Powder diffraction - Analysis Advanced phase identification with to PDF database Quantitative analysis Percent crystallinity Crystallite size and strain Profile fitting Lattice parameter indexing and refinement Direct cut and paste into reports

23 Peter J. LaPuma23 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Texture analysis a) b) c)

24 Peter J. LaPuma24 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Texture analysis - Speed Simultaneous measurement of single crystal, textured and untextured materials Data for multiple pole figures are collected simultaneously in minutes Chi motion not needed due to 2-D detector Peak height and background are collected simultaneously in one frame Scintillation detector –1296 separate sample positions –One pole figure D8 DISCOVER with GADDS –72 separate sample positions –Multiple pole figures

25 Peter J. LaPuma25 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Texture data analysis User friendly analysis software for pole figure representation 3-D and contour plot representation of pole figures Calculation of ODF

26 Peter J. LaPuma26 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved D8 DISCOVER with GADDS all purpose configuration

27 Peter J. LaPuma27 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Residual stress analysis does not occur in 1-D

28 Peter J. LaPuma28 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Residual stress analysis - Full Debye ring fitting

29 Peter J. LaPuma29 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Residual stress analysis - Full Debye ring fitting

30 Peter J. LaPuma30 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Residual stress analysis - Textured materials

31 Peter J. LaPuma31 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Residual stress analysis Most accurate stress measurements ever due to full Debye ring fitting Stress in different directions measured with one set of frames simultaneously Peak position height and background from 1 set of frames Stress values with standard deviations as low as 3% Stress values from textured materials

32 Peter J. LaPuma32 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Residual stress analysis - Goebel Mirrors and pinhole collimators Cross coupled Goebel mirrors provide a highly parallel highly intense X- ray beam perfect for stress analysis Pinhole collimators reduce spot size down to 50 microns Coupled with laser /video alignment system, stress in sample can be mapped a function of position

33 Peter J. LaPuma33 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Residual stress analysis - software Powerful - user friendly software Easy display of all psi angles Calculations of Sin squared psi data Easy cut and paste into reports

34 Peter J. LaPuma34 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Micro-diffraction - Beam Path

35 Peter J. LaPuma35 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved D8 DISCOVER with GADDS Micro-diffraction Configuration

36 Peter J. LaPuma36 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Micro-diffraction - Laser video alignment

37 Peter J. LaPuma37 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Laser - Video Alignment

38 Peter J. LaPuma38 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Micro-diffraction Diffraction from points as small as 50 microns Easy sample alignment and positioning with X,Y,Z stage and Laser-video microscope Laser-video image on the computer screen with cross hairs Patterns with accurate relative intensities due to data integration Highly parallel, highly intense X-ray beam due to Goebel Mirrors Highly intense X-ray beam due to MonoCap TM Collimator Diffraction data can be analyzed by phase identification, profile fitting, quantitative analysis, etc.

39 Peter J. LaPuma39 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Small Angle X-ray Scattering

40 Peter J. LaPuma40 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Small Angle X-ray Scattering

41 Peter J. LaPuma41 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Small Angle X-ray Scattering Cross-coupled Goebel mirrors for highly intense parallel beam Evacuated or He beam path for reduction of air scatter D8 DISCOVER with GADDS system measures isotropic and anisotropic scattering SAXS has very low signals due to transmission measurements - perfect for D8 DISCOVER with GADDS

42 Peter J. LaPuma42 © 1998 BRUKER AXS, Inc. All Rights Reserved D8 Discover with GADDS More information faster than ever before Pinhole collimators and laser/video microscope provide micro-diffraction, micro-stress, micro- texture, etc. Highly intense and highly parallel X-rays with MonoCap TM collimators and Goebel mirrors Most powerful and user- friendly software available

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