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Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. To change.

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Presentation on theme: "Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. To change."— Presentation transcript:

1 Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. To change the background image, on the Design tab of the ribbon, click Format Background, and then Insert picture from File. Sample picture courtesy of Bill Staples. Panel Member Success Examples 3 minute presentation 7 minutes of discussion and questions 4.Describe an example of a successful science-management linkage resulting in a successful restoration/conservation effort. Which of the challenges listed above were overcome to result in success?

2 Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. To change the background image, on the Design tab of the ribbon, click Format Background, and then Insert picture from File. Sample picture courtesy of Bill Staples. Linking Science and Management: A Success “Integrating Science and Management for Restoration Success” Mike Roberts– DNRC Surface Water Hydrologist Upper Big Hole Grayling Candidate Conservation Agreement w/ Assurances (CCAA)  Conservation measures biologically and hydrologically based  Increased Streamflows – Upward Trending Grayling Population  Successes Evident but all Challenges Continue to Persist

3 Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. To change the background image, on the Design tab of the ribbon, click Format Background, and then Insert picture from File. Sample picture courtesy of Bill Staples. Linking Science and Management: A Success “Integrating Science and Management for Restoration Success” Robert Ray – DEQ Watershed Protection Section Supervisor PHOTO Ruby Valley – Miller Ranch Stream restoration science resulted in sediment, nutrient, fecal bacterial reductions Restoration Project Video

4 Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. To change the background image, on the Design tab of the ribbon, click Format Background, and then Insert picture from File. Sample picture courtesy of Bill Staples. Local irrigator moves from Deep Creek ditch to pump on Broadwater Missouri canal; other irrigators see the benefits and are following suit Linking Science and Management: A Success Holistic watershed management creates momentum and cumulative success “Integrating Science and Management for Restoration Success” Justin Meissner – NRCS District Conservationist Sept. 2012 < 1 cfsSept. 2015 - 4 cfs USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender

5 Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. To change the background image, on the Design tab of the ribbon, click Format Background, and then Insert picture from File. Sample picture courtesy of Bill Staples. Linking Science and Management: A Success Deep Creek Partnerships “Integrating Science and Management for Restoration Success” Denise Thompson– Broadwater Conservation District

6 Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. To change the background image, on the Design tab of the ribbon, click Format Background, and then Insert picture from File. Sample picture courtesy of Bill Staples. Linking Science and Management: A Success “Integrating Science and Management for Restoration Success” Andrew Wilcox– UM Associate Professor, UM River Center Director Example 1: Bill Williams River, AZ, Flow management at Alamo Dam Example 2: Mattie V Creek, MT, Stream restoration design

7 Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. To change the background image, on the Design tab of the ribbon, click Format Background, and then Insert picture from File. Sample picture courtesy of Bill Staples. Linking Science and Management: A Success “Integrating Science and Management for Restoration Success” Andy Bobst – MBMG Hydrogeologist, MSU PhD Candidate Working with TNC to get monitoring in place for a year prior to construction. Baseline data, and control sites. Better understand mechanisms, so that reasonable expectations of effects can be made. Objectives => Site Selection & Restoration Type

8 Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. To change the background image, on the Design tab of the ribbon, click Format Background, and then Insert picture from File. Sample picture courtesy of Bill Staples. Linking Science and Management: A Success “Integrating Science and Management for Restoration Success” Heather Mullee-Barber – BRWF Executive Director Bitterroot Subbasin Plan for Fish + Wildlife Conservation, Bitterroot Watershed Restoration Plan, and the “Watershed Improvement Project” in Sleeping Child + Rye Creeks. Linking wildlife conservation + water quality into tangible action items.

9 Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. To change the background image, on the Design tab of the ribbon, click Format Background, and then Insert picture from File. Sample picture courtesy of Bill Staples. Linking Science and Management: A Success (Clark Fork River example) “Integrating Science and Management for Restoration Success” Tom Parker—Restoration Ecologist Interdisciplinary approach— morphological design needs to anticipate ecological and biological needs. Implementation—close involvement of design team during implementation helps make sure important project elements are translated to the ground Adaptive management—monitoring is absolutely critical to support future management of a restoration project. Protect the investment—some projects require a period of rest before public access or agricultural use can resume 20102014

10 Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. To change the background image, on the Design tab of the ribbon, click Format Background, and then Insert picture from File. Sample picture courtesy of Bill Staples. Linking Science and Management: A Success “Integrating Science and Management for Restoration Success” Doug Jackson-Smith – USU Professor LESSONS: Management practices = key; but difficult Need to invest in post- BMP follow-up work Producer feedback is invaluable to adaptive management

11 Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. To change the background image, on the Design tab of the ribbon, click Format Background, and then Insert picture from File. Sample picture courtesy of Bill Staples. How can we link science with restoration on projects of different scales across MT? 1.Large Scale Projects How do we facilitate projects with interdisciplinary research/management teams to critically examine how natural systems work and what effective restoration/conservation looks like? 2.Small Scale Projects How do we facilitate modest scale projects with limited resources having access to the best science on what works for restoration/conservation?

12 Edit the text with your own short phrases. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. To change the background image, on the Design tab of the ribbon, click Format Background, and then Insert picture from File. Sample picture courtesy of Bill Staples. What are the next steps to facilitate more successful linkages of science and management across Montana? What organizations can play a role and how?

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