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Accomplice – (n.) A person who takes part in a crime Synonyms – partner, helper, assistant Antonyms – adversary, foe.

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Presentation on theme: "Accomplice – (n.) A person who takes part in a crime Synonyms – partner, helper, assistant Antonyms – adversary, foe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accomplice – (n.) A person who takes part in a crime Synonyms – partner, helper, assistant Antonyms – adversary, foe

2 Annihilate – (v.) to destroy completely Synonyms – obliterate, decimate, demolish Antonyms – promote, nurture

3 Arbitrary – (adj.) unreasonable, based on one’s wishes or desires Synonyms – random, erratic, biased Antonyms – reasoned, rational, objective

4 Brazen – (adj.) Shameless, impudent Synonyms – bold Antonyms – respectful

5 Catalyst – (n.) a substance that causes a chemical reaction; agent that causes change Synonyms – stimulus, instigator Antonyms - inhibitor

6 Exodus – (n.) a large scale departure or flight Synonyms – escape, emigration Antonyms – immigration, entrance, arrival

7 facilitate – (v.) to make easier, assist Synonyms – simplify, ease, smooth the way Antonyms – hinder, hamper, obstruct, impede

8 Incorrigible – (adj.) not able to be corrected, beyond control Synonyms – unruly, incurable Antonyms – curable, fixable, reparable

9 Latent – (adj.) hidden, present but not realized Synonyms – dormant, inactive, undeveloped Antonyms evident, exposed

10 Militant – (adj.) given to fighting, active and aggressive in support of a cause; (n.) an activist Synonyms – argumentative, belligerent, warlike Antonyms – passive, compliant, peaceful

11 Morose – (adj.) having a gloomy or sullen manner, not friendly Synonyms – Morbid, depressed Antonyms – Cheerful, buoyant, happy

12 Opaque – (adj.) not letting light through, not clear or lucid Synonyms – hazy, cloudy, foggy, murky Antonyms – transparent, clear, bright

13 Paramount – (adj.) chief in importance, above all others Synonyms – supreme, dominant, primary Antonyms – secondary, subordinate

14 Prattle – (v.) to talk in an aimless or foolish way, babble (n.) baby talk Synonyms – (v.) Chatter, (n.) gibberish Antonyms – “terse speech”

15 Rebut – (v.) offer arguments or evidence that contradicts an assertion; to refute Synonyms – disprove, deny, defeat Antonyms – agree, confirm, concede

16 Reprimand – (v.) To scold, find fault (n.) Rebuke Synonyms – Admonish, reproach Antonyms – praise, reprieve

17 Servitude – (n.) slavery, forced labor Synonyms – captivity, bondage Antonyms – freedom, liberty

18 Slapdash – (adj.) careless and hasty Synonyms – sloppy, reckless, messy Antonyms – thorough, neat, tidy

19 Stagnant – (adj.) not flowing or running; foul from standing still; inactive Synonyms – motionless, still Antonyms – flowing, running, fresh

20 Succumb – (v.) to give away to a superior force Synonyms – submit, die, expire Antonyms – surmount, master, overcome

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