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FIVE FAVES By Rachel Linch History Pd. 5. Pope John Paul II’s Five Faves Pope John Paul II’s Five Faves.

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1 FIVE FAVES By Rachel Linch History Pd. 5

2 Pope John Paul II’s Five Faves Pope John Paul II’s Five Faves

3 MARGARET STEINFELS Stienfels was the co- director of the Fordham Center on Religion in Culture in 2004. She thought that Pope John Paul II was a brilliant man. She worked in the Catholic church for many years. Pop John Paul II would have definitely put her on his list of five fav’s.

4 GEORGE WEIGEL Weigel is a Catholic theologian. He has studied a lot about Pope John Paul II. George Weigel studies a lot about other religions, and agrees mostly with just the Catholic religion. He would have most likely been put on the Pope’s list of top fives.

5 PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA President Barack Obama is the first African American President. He was just elected President this year. Obama has a lot of good ideas that he still needs to enforce, but he’s working on it. Pope John Paul II would have had him in his top five because he is the President of the United States, and the Pope was in close ties with America.

6 PRIME MINISTER ROMANO PRODI Prodi was the Prime Minister of Italy in 1996-1998 and then again in 2006-now. He graduated in 1961 from the Catholic University in Milan. Prodi was most likely on his list of top fives because the Pope was in Italy all the time for one appearance or another, so they would have been close.

7 GARRIGOU-LAGRANGE Pope John Paull II worked under the guidance and help of Lagrange. He worked for the French Dominican in the religion department. John Paul II would definitely have him on the fives because Lagrange helped him in his path to becoming the Pope.

8 Pope John Paul II’s Rejects

9 ADOLF HITLER Hitler was the leader of the Nazi party in Germany. One of the University’s that the Pope attended was closed down by the Nazi Party. This is why Hitler wouldn’t have been on his favorite five list.

10 MEHMET ALI AGCA Agca tried to assassinate Pope John Paul II in 1981. He was a trained Turkish gunmen. He would most definitely not be on his the Pop’s top five because he attempted to kill the Pope.

11 JOSEF STALIN Stalin was in power from 1924 to 1953 as the dictator of the USSR. He would have been rejected by Pope John Paul II because the Pope was really big in the Catholic world and wouldn’t really have appreciated the fact how Stalin only thought that his own opinion mattered.

12 C.S. LEWIS Lewis would have been on the Pope’s list of rejections for the beginning of his life. At first Lewis was an atheist, he believed in no God, later in life he eventually started believing in some God and was apart of a religion.

13 JOSEPH PEARCE Pearce was anti- Catholic for awhile in his life. Pope John Paul II probably would of rejected him for sometime.

14 Ganhdi’s Five Faves

15 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. Martin Luther King Jr. was a big part of the 1950’s Civil Rights movement. Just like Ganhdi, Martin Luther King Jr., was a big influence in the Civil Rights world. This is the main reason why the King would probably have been on his fave fives list.

16 BEN KINGSLEY Kingsley played the role of Gandhi in the movie Gandhi. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth in 2001. Ben Kingsley would have most likely been on Ganhdi’s top five because he played him as a character in the movie that was named after him.

17 REBIYA KADEER Kadeer is a big supporter of non- violence in Beijing. Just like Ganhdi Rebiya Kadeer supports non-violence. Ganhdi would have definitely had her on his fave fives.

18 JOHN LEWIS Lewis led the Nashville Student Movement in 1960. He was one of the many African American Heroes of the Civil Rights Movement. Just like Martin Luthe King Jr., Lewis would have been on Ganhdi’s faves because he had a lot to do with the Civil Rights Movement.

19 ROSA PARKS Just like the other four Parks was a big part of the Civil Rights Movement. Gandhi would have been especially impressed with Parks for standing up to white people for her rights as a black woman.

20 Gandhi’s Rejects

21 KU KLUX KLAN This group was against the equal rights of blacks to any extent. They definitely wouldn’t have been on Gandhi’s fave five list because they were very discriminate toward blacks.

22 NATHURAM GODSE In 1948 Gandhi was assassinated. His assassin was Nathuram Godse. Gandhi wouldn’t have put him on his five faves list.

23 JOSEF STALIN Stalin was the dictator of the USSR. He was in power from 1924 to 1953. Stalin didn’t care what other people thought he only cared about his own opinion. Gandhi would definitely not have gotten along with Stalin.

24 MAO TSE-TUNG He was the leader of the communist revolution in China. He would have been rejected by Gandhi because the communists and the civil rights activist didn’t really get along.

25 VLADIRMIR LENIN Lenin was the founder of the Russian Communist Party and the leader of the Russian Revolution in 1917. Since he was the founder of the communist party in Russia, he would have been rejected by Gandhi because he was a big communist.

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