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Magic Moment s! Turn traditional literacy into memories that last! You can find

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2 Magic Moment s! Turn traditional literacy into memories that last! You can find slides @

3 Magic Moment #1 Rhythm reading that leads to a classical piece. You can find slides @

4 Please tap and say the syllables for the rhythm below. 4$ qsdqQ\qsdqq qQqq\qsdqQ

5 Please tap and say the syllables for the rhythm below. 4$ qsdqQ\qsdqq qsdqq\qsdqQ

6 4$ qsdqq\qsdqq qsdqq\qsdqQ Magic Moment: Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op. 92 Mvmt. II. Allegretto.

7 Lois Choksy Students returned after many years. Did not mention specific things learned. Shared memories they made together! You can find slides @

8 Choksy’s Thoughts (2003) Vehicle: Concepts, elements, skills, exploration, Destination: MUSIC! You can find slides @

9 Five Magic Moments You can find slides @

10 1.Rhythm reading that leads to a classical piece. 2.Melodic reading and writing that leads to a movement activity. 3.Teacher Performance of Music 4.Rhythm composition & part-work that leads to a performance. 5.Melodic improvisation that leads to popular music listening.

11 Magic Moment #2 Melodic reading and writing that leads to a movement activity. You can find slides @

12 Please read the solfege in the below stick notation. 4444 ds, Bank l,s, d You can find slides @ s, l,

13 Fire On the Mountain

14 Magic Moment #3 Rhythm composition & part-work that leads to a performance. You can find slides @

15 44$ xxxcsdsdsd xxxcsdsdsd sdsdsdq| What song matches the rhythm you see here?

16 q Q sd xxx c

17 Fed My Horse Sharp, C. (1960). English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians.

18 Magic Moment #4 Teacher performance of a music selection. You can find slides @

19 Engine, Engine Engine, Engine, Number Nine Going down Chicago line. If the train falls off the track, Do you want your money back? Yes, no, maybe so, Toot! Toot!

20 Hush-A-Bye Erdei, P. (1985) 150 American Folk Songs Hush-a-bye, don’t you cry, go to sleepy little baby. When you wake, you shall have, all the pretty little horses. Blacks and bays, dapples and greys, six a pretty little horses. Hush-a-bye, don’t you cry, go to sleepy little baby.

21 Magic Moment #4 Melodic improvisation that leads to popular music listening. You can find slides @

22 Solfege pitch reading s ---- m -----m ----- r ----- m ---- s------- l ---- s-------

23 m ---- r------ r------- m ---- s------- l ---- s------- s ---- m----- -- #4 - Improvise s ---- m ----- r ----- d----- #1 l----------- s----------- r---------- (2X) #2#2 #2#2 Break 2 3 4 Rest 2 3 4 #3#3 #3#3

24 Embrace the Magic! “Good teaching is 49% science, 49% art, and 2% magic.” -Lois Choksy

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