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Procedural Modelling of Plant Scenes Presented by: Kim R 2 Supervisors:Shaun Bangay Adele Lobb A research project for Computer Science Honours 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Procedural Modelling of Plant Scenes Presented by: Kim R 2 Supervisors:Shaun Bangay Adele Lobb A research project for Computer Science Honours 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Procedural Modelling of Plant Scenes Presented by: Kim R 2 Supervisors:Shaun Bangay Adele Lobb A research project for Computer Science Honours 2004

2 Project Aims Model a forest scene –Procedural modelling –L-Systems

3 Forest Scenes - Issues Many different tree species present

4 Forest Scenes - Issues Variation within each species

5 Forest Scenes - Issues Interaction: Symbiosis

6 Interaction: Competition Forest Scenes - Issues

7 Varying detail level depending on distance from viewer

8 Solution L-Systems Procedural Modelling

9 L-Systems Formal set of rules and symbols Originally described cellular growth Rules applied iteratively to start sequence Graphics: symbols describe drawing paths or end graphics (such as a leaf)

10 Simple L-System Example F [ & + F] F[ - > F] [- > F] [& F]

11 Stochastic L-Systems Several rules for each symbol Rules chosen based on probability Create different plants using same L-System Simulate environmental effects

12 Stochastic L-System Example

13 Procedural Modelling Use procedure to generate all needed geometric primitives Store complex tasks in procedure –Detail level –Shaders –Internal animation

14 This Project Create a procedural modelling language –Similar in syntax to Renderman shading language or MEL Include: –Tree species/type –Conditions (for L-System) –Detail level (distance from viewer)

15 Questions?

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