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Energy. Conservation of Energy You cannot creat energy or destroy it. But you can transform it into another form. Eg energy from burning coal – ends up.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy. Conservation of Energy You cannot creat energy or destroy it. But you can transform it into another form. Eg energy from burning coal – ends up."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy

2 Conservation of Energy You cannot creat energy or destroy it. But you can transform it into another form. Eg energy from burning coal – ends up as kinetic energy or heat energy in a machine (steam train).

3 Conservation of Energy Energy can be converted/transformed from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed.

4 Force Meters Newton Spring Balance A spring stretches when a pulling force acts on it A spring gets squashed or compressed when a forces pushes on it. A spring can be used to measure the strength of forces What unit do we measure force in?

5 Measuring Force The unit used to measure force is the newton (N) What is the force to lift an apple? – 1N Force to lift a 1kg bag of sugar – 10N Force you exert by sitting on someone – 400N Force needed to launch a rocket – 33000 000N

6 Comparing weight and mass Collect a series of objects that you can weigh with scales and then measure with the spring force. Write a data table showing the weight in g or kg and then N using the spring force. Remember the spring force measures the strength of force. Write a conclusion about what you notice. When finished, use your spring force to measure friction by pulling at item across the carpet, then the desk. Did you use more force on a different surface? Exercises page 236 and 237

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