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11/13/11 Anne Roehrich Bruce DeWitt Randy Smasal.

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Presentation on theme: "11/13/11 Anne Roehrich Bruce DeWitt Randy Smasal."— Presentation transcript:

1 11/13/11 Anne Roehrich Bruce DeWitt Randy Smasal

2 267 Beautiful B/W Pages Fully color and interactive online Collaborative effort between HS teachers Printed Copies o 1000 sold as student resource guide- $5.00 o Printed classroom sets o Library sets for checkout o Some classes use electronically in labs o Available on CK12 now

3 +/- 300 hours of writing/editing time Writing Team o 3 HS Math Teachers Reviewing Team o 6 HS Math Teachers (all schools represented) Content/Standards o CK12 aligned current content to MN Standards o Arranged content and assigned learning targets to each unit

4  Evaluated resources  Couldn't find books which met needs  Many chapters unused  Needed content aligned to MN/AH standards  Cost considerations  $175-200,000 large scale adoption  Didn't include technology  Lengthy adoption cycle

5  Moodle  Simulations, links, differentiation opportunities  Kahn/Odyssey  Epub format 


7  Non Profit  Open Content  Web Based Collaborative Model

8 Writing from home during the summer is tough Write as a team to overcome technology questions together Don't tackle more than a 1 tri/1semester course in a summer Expect disagreements, give editorial control to writers

9 Districts should collaborate on another text. Budget for revisions in year 2 Consider additional teams for solution guides, test banks, problem sets etc.

10  Contacts:   

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