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Mexican Legal Framework Providers of Environmental Services Green Expo 2014 American Embassy.

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1 Mexican Legal Framework Providers of Environmental Services Green Expo 2014 American Embassy

2 MEXICO Waste to Energy (Environmental) October 2 nd, 2014 RIELA 2014

3 Mexico Waste to Energy Current Status of Wastes Recovery R I E L A 2014  Mexico one of the densest countries in the world = large amount of daily wastes (Mexico City 13,000 tons/day).  A large amount of wastes generation requires several alternatives for its management and recovery solutions.  Since 1988 Mexico has established within its environmental laws, several policies aimed to minimize the wastes generation and revalue them.  As the population density has increased over the years, the problem to adequate manage and recover the wastes also has. The old policies are not enough the address the current wastes issue.

4 Mexico Waste to Energy Current Status of Wastes Recovery R I E L A 2014 Bordo Poniente landfill. 1992 authorization to serve as landfill. Old technology for the final disposal of the wastes. Until 2013 = capture of biogas for producing energy.

5 Mexico Waste to Energy Current Status of Wastes Recovery R I E L A 2014 There are policies for recovering wastes; but no specific environmental regulations so far. 1988 General Law of the Ecological Equilibrium and Environmental Protection. General Law for the Prevention and Integral Management of Wastes 2003 General Law of Climate Change 2013

6 Mexico Waste to Energy Current Status of Wastes Recovery R I E L A 2014 LGEEPA and LGPGIR 1988 - 2003  The wastes generation shall be controlled given that it constitutes the most common source of contamination.  It is necessary to prevent and reduce the wastes generation, incorporate technics and procedures for their reuse, recycle and recovery It is necessary to regulate the efficient use of the wastes.(until mid 2000 no official standard or specific legislation related to wastes).  The SEMARNAT shall promote with the local authorities the detection of alternatives and technology for reusing and recovering the wastes (until 2013 no legislations regulating how to).

7 Mexico Waste to Energy Current Status of Wastes Recovery R I E L A 2014 CLIMATE CHANGE LAW 2013  Municipalities are obliged to invest in technology and infrastructure to recover solid urban wastes and produce energy from biogas collection.

8 Mexico Waste to Energy Current Status of Wastes Recovery R I E L A 2014 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL MEXICAN SCHEDULE 2014 Promote green technologies, renewable energies (hydroelectric, geothermic, wind, PV, etc.) correct management of wastes and produce biogas from wastes. Also the Energetic Reform shall enforce the investment on this ways of energy

9 Mexico Waste to Energy Current Status of Wastes Recovery OBSTACLES -Municipalities’ faculty. -No financial resources for implementing this technology. -Certain legislation do not allow private investor to be involved in this matters. -Lack of specific regulations (both legal and technical).

10 Mexico Waste to Energy Current Status of Wastes Recovery CURRENT OPERATING PROJECTS -Saltillo, Coahuila. -Juarez, Chihuahua. -Cancun, Qroo. Bordo Poniente, Federal District (pending)

11 Thank you for your attention

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