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The Ecological Solid Waste Management Program of San Fernando, La Union, Philippines A Case Study Meliza Agulto/Hazel Abool.

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Presentation on theme: "The Ecological Solid Waste Management Program of San Fernando, La Union, Philippines A Case Study Meliza Agulto/Hazel Abool."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ecological Solid Waste Management Program of San Fernando, La Union, Philippines A Case Study Meliza Agulto/Hazel Abool

2 Objective Present a model for barangay development that shall be possible to duplicate or to serve as reference for other local municipalities

3 WAR ON WASTE WOW Pinagbayan  Solid waste management program at Brgy. Pinagbayan in San Juan  This was started 2 mos ago in cooperation of CPH  Accomplishments: 1. Setting up of a SWMP committee 2. Setting up of banners 3. Shoreline clean up

4 What is a SWMP? defined as a SYSTEM that uses SEVERAL ALTERNATIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES to manage and dispose of specific components of the community’s solid waste stream ALTERNATIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES -source reduction -recycling -composting - energy recovery -landfilling

5 SWMP in La Union Duration: 1998-present Sponsors: LOGOFIND Project of the City; World Bank for the Establishment and Operation of Engineered Landfill (loan through Department Of Finance (DOF)); Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) for the Feasibility Study of Landfill (Grant) Actors Involved: Local Government, Private Sector, Non- governmental organisations, Community


7 Projects/Programs Garbage Segregation

8 Materials Recovery Facility

9 Projects/Programs -Landfill management 10.6 hectares landfill facility -Information Education and Communication Campaign -Adopt a Street Program -Clean and Green Contest for School -Clean your own backyard program

10 Results and Impacts Barangays/Communities/Villages - practiced was segregation Household Solid Waste Practices - segregate their waste, place the various types at the designatedplaces and time, and clean their own backyards and nearby lots and beaches Commercial Sector - Polluter’s Pay Principle Schools and Offices -subjected to Annual Clean and Green Evaluation

11 Results and Impacts SWM Practices of Hospitals, Clinics, and Funeral Homes -Polluter’s Pay Policy Junkshops -Increased to 12 Role of NGOs - Adopt a barangay

12 Critical Instruments Private financial mechanisms for infrastructural development Organizational arrangements partnership Capacity building Design, Planning and Management

13 RECOMMENDATIONS >Encourage community participation- attend the General Assembly >Emphasize partnership/networking (UP- CBHP, Municipal Sanitation and Engineering Office, Department of Education, Private Sectors, NGOs, Community) >Do a waste analysis and characterization survey to determine what kind of alternative waste management strategy is needed

14 >As for the EVALUATION - It will be determined by the kind of alternative waste management strategy that the community will adopt RECOMMENDATIONS


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