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Two Sample t test Chapter 9.

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1 Two Sample t test Chapter 9

2 Two sample t test We want to test whether the means of two samples are statistically significantly different from each other Example: Student-motivation data Test whether the ‘males and females in the study have similar mean academic ability score?’ t test

3 Student t test for 2 samples
Two independent samples Samples drawn randomly from different populations Hypothesis : Population means are same Where S is the standard deviation

4 Two independent Sample t test
If both population are found to have equal variance Pooled variance estimate is computed If both population are found to have unequal variance An exact t cannot be estimated Only an approximation can be computed First test if population variance are equal

5 F test for population variance
Testing for equality of population variance F statistics is computed from sample variance Known as Levene’s test for equality of variance

6 Testing mean for our example
Test whether the ‘males and females have similar mean academic ability score?’ Academic ability score = OLTS Testing the mean value of OLTS grouped by gender variable

7 Two independent sample t test: SPSS
Analyze > Compare means > Independent sample t test Test variable : OLTS Grouping variable : Gender Click on Define groups

8 Two independent sample t test: SPSS

9 Two independent sample test: SPSS Output
First part of the table gives the Levene’s test Decision Rule: P value < 0.05 Reject the H0

10 P value: level of significance
H0: Samples are from population with equal variance In our example P value = 0.56 > 0.05 Hence we cannot reject the H0 The samples are drawn from populations with equal variances

11 Independent Samples Test
SPSS output Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Online Test Score Equal variances assumed .345 .560 -.286 48 .776 Equal variances not assumed 45.174 The Significance level (P value) > 0.05 We cannot reject the H0 that the mean OLTS for Male and Females are same

12 Exercise on Pg 73 Exercise 2, 3 and 5

13 Paired t test

14 Paired t test The sample relate to same set of respondents
Before After test Test whether mean performance of a set of respondents before and after a treatment is same Set of employees undergoing training Students undergoing MBA course work

15 Paired t test Test performance over time
Test the performance of an organization from the response of same set respondents over time Feedback about the institute from same set of students in their 1st year and 2nd year of MBA

16 Paired t test Example on pg69
Scores of 20 individuals before and after the training programme H0: There is no difference in the mean performance of individuals before and after the training programme H1: There is difference in the mean performance of individual before and after the training programme

17 Paired t test: SPSS Hypothesis
Analyze > Compare means > Paired t test Select both the variables

18 SPSS output

19 Paired t test: SPSS Results for the t test
Significance level (P value) = < 0.05 (α) Hence we reject the null hypothesis at 5% level of significance There is a significant difference in the mean performance of individuals before and after the training.

20 A Classification of Hypothesis Testing Procedures for Examining Differences
Hypothesis Tests Parametric Tests (Metric Tests) Non-parametric Tests (Nonmetric Tests) One Sample Two or More Samples * t test * Z test Chi-Square * K-S * Runs * Binomial Independent Samples Paired Samples * Two-Group t test * Z test * Paired t test * Chi-Square * Mann-Whitney * Median * K-S * Sign * Wilcoxon * McNemar Chi-Square

21 Exercise Exercise 1 on pg 72 Exercise 4 on Pg 73

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